Information about the Database

HeinOnlineFull text online access to legal journals
Alt Title: Hein Online
Format: Internet
Remote Access: Available

HeinOnline AcademicHeinOnline Academic includes more than 292,000 titles of legal, historical, and government documents. In addition to more than 2,800 law-related periodicals, the database contains the entire U.S. Congressional Record, Federal Register, and Code of Federal Regulations, complete coverage of the U.S. Reports back to 1754, and sections dedicated to treaties, constitutions, case law, world trials, classic treatises, international trade, foreign relations, U.S. Presidents, and more
Locations: UM, UMM, UMPI
Remote Access: Available

HeinOnline American Law Institute libraryThe American Law Institute library on HeinOnline consists of full runs of the Institute's Annual Reports, Proceedings, Annual Meeting Speeches, and the Institute's newsletter, The ALI Reporter. These series can help greatly in conducting research into Institute projects and publications going back to the organization's founding in 1923. The ALI Collection also includes drafts and other material from the Second Restatement of Torts (perhaps the most influential treatise on common law liability), the Model Penal Code (adopted as the criminal code in most states), the Uniform Commercial Code (adopted as the commercial code in most states), and the Statement of Essential Human Rights (a pioneering ALI project of the mid-1940s). Archival material (correspondence, memoranda and other documents) from the Institute Archives at the University of Pennsylvania for these ALI projects are also included in the American Law Institute library on HeinOnline. -- Literature about this collection from About Heinonline List of Collection viewed March 1, 2010
Alt Title: American Law Institute library
Locations: USM, LAW
Format: Internet
Remote Access: Available

HeinOnline Government, Politics and Law
Locations: UMF
Remote Access: Available

HeinOnline.U. S. congressional documents librarySearchable database of Annals of the Congress of the United States (1789-1824) -- Register of Debates in Congress (1824-1837) -- Congressional Globe (1833-1873) -- Congressional Record (1873-1880, 1996-2003),U.S. Statutes at Large (1789-2004),American State Papers (1789-1838), Journals of the Continental Congress (1774-1789)and other important congressional material.
Alt Title: U. S. congressional documents library
Locations: USM, LAW
Format: Internet
Remote Access: Available

Contact: Electronic & Information Resources Librarian