Netlibrary collection
"I, too, am America" : archaeological studies of African American life 44957857 17065
"In the mix" : struggle and survival in a women's prison 42636879 7919
"Lone Wolf" Gonzaullas, Texas Ranger 43477029 14943
"Sometimes I can be anything" : power, gender, and identity in a primary classroom 45728324 34539
"The rest of us" : the rise of America's eastern European Jews 44960103 33730
$$Cha-ching!$$ : a girl's guide to spending and saving 44954013 20071
(Re)visioning composition textbooks : conflicts of culture, ideology, and pedagogy 42628621 5630
1,001 ways to get promoted 44955812 25006
1,001 ways to save, grow, and invest your money 44955894 25008
10 smart money moves for women : how to conquer your financial fears 44954309 13308
100 great jobs and how to get them 44956729 24062
100 ways to live to 100 44954556 23289
1001 chemicals in everyday products 45729555 26092
101 + answers to the most frequently asked questions from entrepreneurs 45729602 26093
101 dynamite answers to interview questions : sell your strengths!  44956773 24063
101 great answers to the toughest interview questions 44956051 25012
101 investment lessons from the wizards of Wall Street : the pros' secrets for running with the bulls without losing your shirt 44956195 25015
101 more best resumes 42922555 6950
101 questions about your skin that got under your skin ... until now 44954993 32435
101 quick tips for a dynamite resume 44956980 24076
101 tips for telecommuters : successfully manage your work, team, technology, and family 45843418 43787
101 ways to make every second count : time management tips and techniques for more success with less stress 44956242 25016
125 years : the Physical Society and the Institute of Physics 45733916 27407
160 essential Chinese herbal patent medicines 44957548 11911
175 high-impact resumes 45729730 26097
2000 Medicare explained. 45730827 16124
25 stupid mistakes parents make 43802811 13439
260 essential Chinese medicinals = [Pen tsáao, erh pai liu shih chu yao Chung tsáao yao] 43475906 11864
401(k) today : designing, maintaining & maximizing your company's plan 45728066 41417
501 grammar and writing questions. 45727968 28334
501 reading comprehension questions. 45728174 28345
52 Connecticut and Rhode Island weekends : great getaways and adventures for every season 44958546 18808
52 Illinois weekends : great getaways and adventures for every season 44957970 18790
52 New York weekends : great getaways and adventures for every season 43802963 18356
52 Ohio weekends : great getaways and adventures for every season 44957852 18786
630 questions & answers about Chinese herbal medicine 44956450 11865
7 steps to fearless speaking 45729765 26100
A belle of the fifties : memoirs of Mrs. Clay of Alabama, covering social and political life in Washington and the South, 1853-66 45727466 39887
A brush with death : an artist in the death camps 44960398 5694
A caring approach in nursing administration 42330757 5133
A chance for love : the World War II letters of Marian Elizabeth Smith and Lt. Eugene T. Petersen, USMCR 44957658 22786
A classification of North American biotic communities 43476466 12524
A clown in a grave : complexities and tensions in the works of Gregory Corso 44954936 11636
A cognitive psychology of mass communication 44961697 24273
A commentary on Hesiod : Works and days, 45730450 27576
A communications cornucopia : Markle Foundation essays on information policy 42330276 4881
A comparative history of world philosophy : from the Upanishads to Kant 42855736 5477
A concise natural history of East and West Florida 45727431 39886
A cultural history of civil examinations in late imperial China 45728838 42301
A damned Iowa greyhound : the Civil War letters of William Henry Harrison Clayton 44960974 21985
A darker ribbon : breast cancer, women, and their doctors in the twentieth century 45729070 43531
A day in the life of a carpenter 44964480 19991
A day in the life of a chef 44965747 20033
A day in the life of a Colonial blacksmith 44953932 20112
A day in the life of a colonial innkeeper 44954133 20117
A day in the life of a colonial printer 44954052 20115
A day in the life of a Colonial schoolteacher 44954090 20116
A day in the life of a colonial silversmith 44954004 20114
A day in the life of a colonial wigmaker 44953969 20113
A day in the life of a librarian 44960936 19869
A day in the life of a mayor : featuring New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani 44964445 19990
A day in the life of a newspaper reporter 44962892 19934
A day in the life of a nurse 44965719 20032
A day in the life of a park ranger 44964136 19980
A day in the life of a professional golfer 44964170 19981
A day in the life of a sculptor 44960971 19870
A day in the life of a teacher 44962928 19935
A day in the life of a veterinarian 44962857 19931
A day in the life of an architect 44962961 19936
A Derrida reader : writing performances 43477406 9615
A description of U.S. enlisted personnel promotion systems 44964517 20512
A dictionary of ecology 43476204 12304
A dictionary of plant sciences 43476203 12303
A Dictionary of scientists. 44963215 12306
A dictionary of zoology 43477462 12302
A different kind of hunger 44963952 18108
A diverse assembly : the debate on a Scottish parliament 43476183 9772
A flourishing Yin : gender in China's medical history, 960-1665 47011309 8671
A freethinker's A-Z of the new world of business 44961259 22919
A garden of bristlecones : tales of change in the Great Basin 44955393 27894
A generation later : household strategies and economic change in the rural Philippines 44954545 38998
A golden state : mining and economic development in gold rush California 45732647 21319
A guide for the technical evaluation of environmental data 44965390 23914
A guide to college programs in culinary arts, hospitality, & tourism : a directory of CHRIE member colleges and universities. 45729850 26102
A guide to confession large and small in the Mexican language, 1634 44965535 15762
A guide to econometrics 44964627 11426
A guide to organophosphorus chemistry 45732521 35284
A health sector strategy for the Europe and Central Asia region 44965119 26640
A higher duty : desertion among Georgia troops during the Civil War 45729796 41494
A history of modern computing 42856065 9357
A Jesuit challenge : Edmund Campion's debates at the Tower of London in 1581 44964402 16336
A kid's guide to how flowers grow 44955738 20166
A kid's guide to how fruits grow 44955771 20167
A kid's guide to how herbs grow  44955802 20168
A kid's guide to how plants grow 44955868 20170
A kid's guide to how trees grow 44955832 20169
A kid's guide to how vegetables grow 44955901 20171
A knight of another sort : Prohibition days and Charlie Birger 43476258 11603
A Korean nationalist entrepreneur : a life history of Kim Songsu, 1891-1955 42855169 5481
A light and uncertain hold : a history of the Sixty-sixth Ohio Volunteer Infantry 45730309 27572
A light in dark times : Maxine Greene and the unfinished conversation 42330991 4975
A light in the prairie : Temple Emanu-El of Dallas, 1872-1997 42854714 5098
A little corner of freedom : Russian nature protection from Stalin to Gorbachèev 47011836 9436
A manager's guide to wireless telecommunications 45732405 43970
A mask for privilege : anti-semitism in America 45730570 49967
A midwestern corn festival : ears everywhere 44961430 19883
A modern Maistre : the social and political thought of Joseph de Maistre 45732671 44504
A mother's guide to raising healthy children-- naturally 44954041 23963
A nationality of her own : women, marriage, and the law of citizenship 44964788 19162
A natural history of rape : biological bases of sexual coercion 44962798 23097
A new meeting of the religions : interreligious relationships and theological questioning 43476826 10493
A parent's guide to college entrance exams 45729360 32655
A parliament of minds : philosophy for a new millennium 45731892 43930
A patriot after all : the story of a Chicano Vietnam vet 44960317 22877
A pedagogy of possibility : Bakhtinian perspectives on composition studies 43476508 11648
A philosophical commentary on the Politics of Aristotle 44961472 13973
A physician's guide to clinical forensic medicine 45731321 42007
A practical guide for policy analysis : the eightfold path to more effective problem solving 44960387 35223
A primer for disaster recovery planning in an IT environment 45731580 42460
A private state : stories 43476982 13778
A profile in alternative medicine : the Eclectic Medical College of Cincinnati, 1845-1942 45728542 27992
A programmer's guide to ZPL 44962707 9365
A prosodic model of sign language phonology 43475384 9370
A protocol for touch : poems 44962589 28617
A psychologist's proactive guide to managed mental health care 44961402 24261
A radar history of World War II : technical and military imperatives  45729152 27525
A random walk down Wall Street : including a life-cycle guide to personal investing 44957631 32673
A random walk in science 45728056 39946
A review of the scientific literature as it pertains to Gulf War illnesses, Pyridostigmine bromide 45730918 20475
A review of the scientific literature as it pertains to Gulf War illnesses, Stress 45730965 20476
A road map to war : Territorial dimensions of international conflict 43477245 16093
A room full of mirrors : high school reunions in middle America 42855419 6680
A ruined land : the end of the Civil War 45729893 26104
A safe place for dangerous truths : using dialogue to overcome fear & distrust at work 42330775 5164
A Saro community in the Niger Delta, 1912-1984 : the Potts-Johnsons of Port Harcourt and their heirs 44954173 24940
A seminar game to analyze regional governance options for Portugal 44964567 20513
A semiotic of ethnicity : in (re)cognition of the Italian/American writer 42855843 7648
A sense of place : Birmingham's Black middle-class community, 1890-1930 45727734 39900
A short history of Western legal theory 45733920 22942
A society transformed : Hungary in time-space perspective 43476715 8788
A spectator of theatre : uncollected reviews of R.H. Hutton 44958609 17536
A spiral way : how the phonograph changed ethnography 44954346 24953
A story that stands like a dam : Glen Canyon and the struggle for the soul of the West 44964335 25390
A stream of windows : unsettling reflections on trade, immigration, and democracy 43476743 11342
A study of Daoist acupuncture & moxibustion 44957501 11910
A sweet, separate intimacy : women writers of the American frontier, 1800-1922 45728033 25396
A thousand kisses : a grandmother's Holocaust letters 44956911 13565
A treatise concerning the principles of human knowledge 43476782 12416
A true republican : the life of Paul Revere 44960574 13939
A view from the Mangrove 43475447 13781
A voyage to California, the Sandwich Islands & around the world in the years, 1826-1829 45728012 42264
A walk around the block : literary texts and social contexts 45728691 33729
A world engraved : archaeology of the Swift Creek culture 44957062 26973
A world of crisis and progress : the American YMCA in Japan, 1890-1930 44965018 23881
A year at the Catholic Worker : a spiritual journey among the poor  45732109 42529
A Zuni life : a Pueblo Indian in two worlds 44960997 22899
Abby Hopper Gibbons : prison reformer and social activist 45729425 44211
About face 42855989 9306
Abraham Lincoln, constitutionalism, and equal rights during the Civil War era 44962045 16238
Abraham's heirs : Jews and Christians in medieval Europe 45730697 33855
Accelerated Lotus Script study guide 44961662 12977
Accelerating China's rural transformation. 44954919 26741
Access database design & programming 45728535 24409
Accomplished in all departments of art--Hammatt Billings of Boston, 1818-1874 43475572 13899
Ace your midterms & finals  Introduction to biology 42855262 8763
Ace your midterms & finals, Fundamentals of mathematics 43475171 8767
Ace your midterms & finals. Introduction to physics 43802956 8764
Ace your midterms & finals. Introduction to psychology 43802809 8766
Ace your midterms & finals. U.S. history 43803256 8762
Ace your midterms and finals. Principles of economics 43803289 8765
Acequia culture : water, land, and community in the Southwest 44960512 22882
Achieving global information networking 45843159 40368
Acoustic phonetics 42856189 9234
Across Arctic America : narrative of the Fifth Thule Expedition 44955592 22209
Across the great border fault : the naturalist myth in America 45731905 44404
Acting in concert : music, community, and political action 44958213 18328
Action tools for effective managers : a guide for solving day-to-day problems on the job 44963600 19117
Acts of arguing : a rhetorical model of argument 45733265 44044
Ad hominem arguments 44956719 26953
ADHD : research, practice and opinion 44964503 13210
Adhesion protein protocols 45729731 28034
Administering NetWare 5 44962151 13039
Administering SQL Server 7 44961944 13011
Adolescent development and rapid social change : perspectives from Eastern Europe 45728351 44148
Adolescent psychological development : rationality, morality, and identity 44958297 19386
Adopting Alyosha : a single man finds a son in Russia 44958299 25858
Adultery 45729356 43544
Adults with disabilities : international perspectives in the community 44960955 24237
Advanced abnormal child psychology 45729403 44838
Advanced ANSI SQL data modeling and structure processing 45731782 40373
Advanced ColdFusion 4.0 application development 44966002 8115
Advanced supply chain management : how to build a sustained competitive advantage 45730883 44282
Advances in automatic text summarization 42922490 9237
Advances in extrusion technology : 45730851 23901
Advances in genetic programming. Vol. 3 44962674 9359
Advances in kernel methods : support vector learning 44957981 421
Advances in mobile information systems 45843158 40363
Advances in population. Vol. 3 : psychosocial perspectives 45730624 13200
Advances in synaptic plasticity 44957423 17052
Adventures of Eovaai, princess of Ijaveo : a pre-adamitical history 44964591 34061
Advertising age handbook of advertising 44953977 23959
Advertising and the World Wide Web 44959436 19426
Advice for a young investigator 42922387 422
Advocating change : contemporary issues in subject English 45730912 27596
Affairs of party : the political culture of Northern Democrats in the mid-nineteenth century 44961855 16232
Affirming the covenant : a history of Temple B'rith Kodesh, Rochester, New York, 1848-1998 45729325 33753
Afloat on the Ohio : an historical pilgrimage of a thousand miles in a skiff, from Redstone to Cairo 45733369 45758
Africa and the blues 44959610 25914
African American leadership 42856365 5638
African American views of the Japanese : solidarity or sedition? 42636942 5560
African American voices : African American health educators speak out 44956156 25671
African Americans on the western frontier 42922317 160
African-American art 44961965 22952
Afrikan mothers : bearers of culture, makers of social change 42855017 5511
After heaven : spirituality in America since the 1950s 42855085 9399
After rhetoric : the study of discourse beyond language and culture 44955040 11646
After the city 45728267 39956
Against the tide : an autobiographical account of a professional outsider 45728088 39948
Against the vigilantes : the recollections of Dutch Charley Duane 43477166 15580
Agent-centered morality : an Aristotelian alternative to Kantian internalism 45729411 42334
Aging societies : the global dimension 42922418 4885
Agrarian socialism in America : Marx, Jefferson, and Jesus in the Oklahoma countryside, 1904-1920 43477072 15690
Agricultural ethics : research, teaching, and public policy 44955907 19284
Aikido 44962825 19930
Air power as a coercive instrument 44964157 20499
Airbase vulnerability to conventional cruise-missile  and ballistic-missile attacks : technology, scenarios, and U.S. Air Force responses 44963713 20488
Aircrew training and assessment 45730565 45051
Airwaves : a collection of radio editorials from the Golden Apple 44954316 16442
Alabama Baptists : Southern Baptists in the heart of Dixie 44959667 35158
Alamo Heights : a novel 44959221 5087
Alandra's lilacs 43475847 12016
Alas, poor ghost! : traditions of belief in story and discourse 44958637 18340
Albania at war, 1939-1945 42922446 7804
Alcohol 101 : an overview for teens 44956666 32525
Alfred, Lord Tennyson 44964450 38618
Alice Walker 44963911 38601
All about stocks : the easy way to get started 45731867 24005
All in the family : absolutism, revolution, and democracy in the Middle Eastern monarchies 42856165 5646
All the right moves : a guide to crafting breakthrough strategy 44959001 35075
All things Herriot : James Herriot and his peaceable kingdom 45728716 33732
Allergens and allergen immunotherapy 44959089 12804
Allergies 44954057 32374
Allocating scholarships for Army ROTC 44964227 20501
Alloying liquid metal with nitrogen from electric arc plasma : theoretical fundamentals 44963701 18079
Almost a hero : the voyages of John Meares, R.N., to China, Hawaii, and the Northwest Coast 44965451 21726
Alone together : law and the meanings of marriage 44960560 23610
Alzheimer's disease : prevention, intervention, and treatment 44958741 20347
American & European literary imagination, 1919-1932 45730527 49966
American anthropology in Micronesia : an assessment 44955570 39248
American exceptionalism 43476384 9589
American foreign policy since the Vietnam War : the search for consensus from Nixon to Clinton 44955590 24548
American goddess at the rape of Nanking : the courage of Minnie Vautrin 45733204 45747
American homo : community and perversity 42417775 6840
American Indian law deskbook 42330751 5127
American Indian population recovery in the twentieth century 44960622 22887
American Indians in World War I : at home and at war 44963322 22528
American philosophy series. No. 8, The metaphysics of experience : a companion to Whitehead's Process and reality 44965001 16361
American public policy : promise and performance 45731529 35228
American quilt making : stories in cloth 44963032 19940
American science fiction and the Cold War : literature and film 43475900 9570
American science in an age of anxiety : scientists, anticommunism, and the cold war 45843984 47834
American state and local politics : directions for the 21st century 45732198 35266
Americans view their Dust Bowl experience 42330753 5129
America's Achilles' heel : nuclear, biological, and chemical terrorism and covert attack 42856012 9320
America's national historic trails 44956500 15892
America's strategic choices 45727790 48508
Amid the Fall, dreaming of Eden : Du Bois, King, Malcolm X, and emancipatory composition 45733281 45751
Among school teachers : community, autonomy, and ideology in teachers' work 45728607 34548
Amphibian metamorphosis : from morphology to molecular biology 45733072 35312
An alternative path : the making and remaking of Hahnemann Medical College and Hospital of Philadelphia 42330339 2065
An American Bible : a history of the Good Book in the United States, 1777-1880 42330895 6660
An American gulag : secret P.O.W. camps for teens 45730801 23899
An American rodeo : riding and roping 44961467 19884
An Apache nightmare : the battle at Cibecue Creek 44961022 15584
An apple festival : orchards in autumn 44964379 19987
An approach to Aristotle's physics : with particular attention to the role of his manner of writing 42636938 7398
An Aquinas reader 44962850 16271
An environmental study of artisanal, small, and medium mining in Bolivia, Chile, and Peru 44964826 26620
An evaluation of housing options for military families 44963367 20479
An integrated approach to wastewater treatment : deciding where, when, and how much to invest 44965024 26633
An introduction to community health 45842593 25710
An introduction to English runes 44956400 16532
An introduction to fire dynamics 45728141 17904
An introduction to fuzzy sets : analysis and design 43474655 1740
An introduction to latent variable growth curve modeling : concepts, issues, and applications 45728139 19332
An introduction to multilevel modeling techniques 44961263 24256
An introduction to natural computation 42856225 9256
An invitation to cognitive science. Vol. 4, Methods, models, and conceptual issues 44958781 150
An ounce of prevention, a pound of uncertainty : the cost-effectiveness of school-based drug prevention programs 44963122 20469
An overland journey from New York to San Francisco in the summer of 1859 45728029 41416
An unlikely revolutionary : Matsuo Takabuki and the making of modern Hawai'i : a memoir 44955709 39297
Analytical methods in combinatorial chemistry 44956800 32562
Analyzing documentary accounts 44959189 24685
Anarchy and the environment : the international relations of common pool resources 42855860 5652
Ancient astronomy and celestial divination 44965394 28976
Ancient Rome : an introductory history 44962919 15652
And no birds sing : rhetorical analyses of Rachel Carson's Silent Spring 45733309 45754
And the risen bread : selected poems, 1957-1997 44962084 16240
Angela of Foligno's Memorial 44956362 16530
Angelina Grimkâe : rhetoric, identity, and the radical imagination 44957270 22773
Angels & angelology in the Middle Ages 44961275 23649
Animal by-product processing & utilization 45730898 23903
Animal others : on ethics, ontology, and animal life 45730516 43838
Annals of Astoria : the headquarters log of the Pacific Fur Company on the Columbia River, 1811-1813 44964644 16345
Anorexia nervosa : when food is the enemy 44965614 20029
Antimicrobial/anti-infective materials : principles, applications and devices 45730937 23904
Antiquities of the southern Indians, particularly of the Georgia tribes 44963255 21056
Antiviral methods and protocols 45729995 28044
Anton Chekhov 44964978 38635
Antonio Canova and the politics of patronage in revolutionary and Napoleonic Europe 45732543 21225
Ants for breakfast : archaeological adventures among the Kalinga 43476402 13167
Apache : the definitive guide 44960031 24202
Apache children and elders talk together 44961572 19887
Apaches at war and peace : the Janos Presidio, 1750-1858 44954059 15308
Apartment stories : city and home in nineteenth-century Paris and London 44957809 21279
Applications of Lie's theory of ordinary and partial differential equations 45728926 27513
Approaches to global governance theory 45733651 44061
Approaches to teaching 45728285 34538
Approximation theory IX. Vol. 2, Computational aspects 44959323 11145
Aquinas : moral, political, and legal theory 43476811 12430
Arboriculture : history and development in North America 44957311 22774
Architect? : a candid guide to the profession 42328837 1417
Architects of intervention : the United States, the Third World, and the Cold War, 1946-1962 45728128 44138
Architects of the information society : 35 years of the Laboratory for Computer Science at MIT 43475044 9389
Architecture in the United States 44962293 22963
Arguing the apocalypse : a theory of millennial rhetoric 44958314 23505
Aristotle's Ethics : critical essays 44965156 18606
Ars Electronica : facing the future : a survey of two decades 45728075 24385
Art of the gold rush 45727649 19195
Arthur Miller 44964951 38634
Artificial intelligence and literary creativity : inside the mind of BRUTUS, a storytelling machine 45727815 24364
Asceticism in early taoist religion 42855374 5581
Asia 44955722 32471
Asian foods : science & technology 45730979 23905
Asian security practice : material and ideational influences 42330939 6650
Asian voices : Asian and Asian American health educators speak out 45732902 25837
Asian/American : historical crossings of a racial frontier 42417768 6667
Ask the right questions 44956502 25026
ASP in a nutshell : a desktop quick reference 44960066 24203
Assembling the past : studies in the professionalization of archaeology 44963669 22539
Assertiveness : a practical approach 44959071 13734
Assessing adolescents in educational, counseling, and other settings 44960681 24227
Assessment of corporate sector value and vulnerability : links to exchange rate and financial crises 44965821 26676
Asset & liability management : a synthesis of new methodologies  45733767 16929
Assuming the positions : cultural pedagogy and the politics of commonplace writing 42854808 5828
Asthma in the workplace 45730552 12113
Astronomy on trial : a devastating and complete repudiation of the Big Bang fiasco 44963187 18531
At home : an anthropology of domestic space 45731717 33889
At Lincoln's side : John Hay's Civil War correspondence and selected writings 45727328 46314
At play in the fields of consciousness : essays in honor of Jerome L. Singer 44961300 24257
At the bonehouse 42854463 4871
At the end of the Santa Fe Trail 44960587 22886
At the heart of the Empire : Indians and the colonial encounter in late-Victorian Britain 42329819 4543
ATLA bibliography series. Vol. 8 44956963 10735
ATM theory and application 43474661 1868
Atomic audit : the costs and consequences of U.S. nuclear weapons since 1940 42330725 4890
Atrial fibrillation after cardiac surgery 45733313 39675
Attitudes, behavior, and social context : the role of norms and group membership 44961884 24280
Attracting college-bound youth into the military : toward the development of new recruiting policy options 44963863 20492
Attracting foreign direct investment into infrastructure : why is it so difficult? 44954336 26710
Auditing information systems 45730972 42427
Authoring a discipline : scholarly journals and the post-World War II emergence of rhetoric and composition 45732129 45415
Authoritarianism and democratization : soldiers and workers in Argentina, 1976-1983 44953705 25478
Autism : identification, education, and treatment 44960249 19455
Autism : medical and educational aspects 44964899 13223
Autonomy and community : readings in contemporary Kantian social philosophy 42855109 7967
Avicenna 45732626 40481
Awakening to spirit : on life, illumination, and being 45729849 44230
Aztec ceremonial landscapes 42330315 5131
Baby bird portraits 44957214 15440
Back there where the past was : a small-town boyhood 45728662 33728
Balance of payments, exchange rates, and competitiveness in transition economies 45733149 39643
Balancing acts : women principals at work  45732843 44016
Balancing principles for teaching elementary reading 45732355 45441
Balancing the secrets of private disclosures 44958645 19401
Banana, breeding, and biotechnology : commodity advances through Banana Improvement Project Research, 1994-1998 44965388 26650
Bangladesh : progress through partnership : country assistance review 44964217 26586
Bank & brokerage : back office procedures & settlements 45727665 46446
Barbed quotes : mudslinging, backstabbing, and celebrity dirt dishing 43476498 11805
Barriers to minority participation in special operations forces 44964390 20506
Basic concepts of criminal law 44959596 23566
Basic ideas and concepts in nuclear physics : an introductory approach 45733885 27406
Basil of Caesarea 44963204 13116
Bats and their homes 44963925 19972
Battle cries and lullabies : women in war from prehistory to the present 44959318 15522
Battle for the soul : Mâetis children encounter evangelical Protestants at Mackinaw Mission, 1823-1837 44957387 22777
Battling for American labor : wobblies, craft workers, and the making of the union movement 44956623 21246
Bayard Rustin and the civil rights movement 45731875 44403
Bazaar India : markets, society, and the colonial state in Gangetic Bihar 44957111 34741
Beavers and their homes 44961846 19900
Beclouded visions : Hiroshima-Nagasaki and the art of witness 42855368 5574
Becoming a fundraiser : the principles and practice of library development 45731042 45107
Becoming political : comparative perspectives on citizenship education 42855171 5485
Beetlecreek 44958679 25874
Before Mark Twain : a sampler of old, old times on the Mississippi 43476469 11635
Before the great spirit : the many faces of Sioux spirituality 44960435 22880
Begoso cabin : a Pecos country retreat 44960134 22871
Behavior, health, and aging 45729546 44891
Behavioral, social, and emotional assessment of children and adolescents 44958195 19383
Behavior-based robotics 42854252 478
Behind closed doors : teachers and the role of the teachers' lounge 45728476 44153
Behind inverted commas : translation and Anglo-German cultural relations in the nineteenth century 44960071 16679
Being analog : creating tomorrow's libraries 45731196 45140
Being Black, living in the red : race, wealth, and social policy in America 45733479 42137
Beluga whales and their babies 44963519 19959
Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka : the Operation Reinhard death camps  45729008 23123
Beneath Ièerne's banners : Irish protestant drama of the Restoration and eighteenth century 45729543 47399
Beowulf : a new verse translation 45728489 34139
Best buds : a girl's guide to friendship 44953974 20070
Betraying the Omaha Nation, 1790-1916 44961279 15593
Betsy Cowles Partridge : mountaineer 42328790 233
Betty Friedan and the making of The feminine mystique : the American left, the cold war, and modern feminism 43476988 13853
Between conviction and uncertainty : philosophical guidelines for the practicing psychotherapist 45730410 43835
Between crown and swastika : the impact of the radical right on the Afrikaner nationalist movement in the fascist era 45733082 34417
Between inner space and outer space : essays on science, art, and philosophy 43476565 12397
Between talk and teaching : reconsidering the writing conference 42331007 2158
Between the flowers 44957422 22778
Beyond boundaries? : disciplines, paradigms, and theoretical integration in international studies 45843444 44017
Beyond discourse : education, the self, and dialogue 45731715 43913
Beyond formulas in mathematics and teaching : dynamics of the high school algebra classroom 45728221 34533
Beyond good and evil : prelude to a philosophy of the future 43476228 12317
Beyond productivity : how leading companies achieve superior performance by leveraging their human capital 42922421 5165
Beyond sensation : Mary Elizabeth Braddon in context 45733215 44042
Beyond spin : the power of strategic corporate journalism 44960621 26041
Beyond the cognitive map : from place cells to episodic memory 42856069 9360
Beyond the frontier : exploring the Indian country 44965131 15247
Beyond the IT productivity paradox 44962621 17790
Beyond the land ethic : more essays in environmental philosophy  42856364 5616
Beyond the neon lights : everyday Shanghai in the early twentieth century 45729540 41885
Beyond the politics of disappointment? : American elections, 1980-1998 44960951 35258
Beyond the power mystique : power as intersubjective accomplishment 42855548 5612
Beyond the reservation : Indians, settlers, and the law in Washington Territory, 1853-1889 44964034 15698
Beyond the team 44964253 34027
Beyond tradeoffs : market reforms and equitable growth in Latin America 42856543 4946
Beyond universal reason : the relation between religion and ethics in the work of Stanley Hauerwas 45729507 47396
Bibb County, Alabama : the first hundred years, 1818-1918 45730180 35160
Bicycle citizens : the political world of the Japanese housewife 44957029 34738
Big cats past and present 44956031 20176
Bigelow's printer troubleshooting pocket reference 44962049 13029
Bigelow's virus troubleshooting pocket reference 45732891 42561
Bilingual education and bilingualism. Vol. 16, Multicultural children in the early years : creative teaching, meaningful learning 44963708 16795
Billy Rose presents-- Casa Maänana 42330045 5086
Biocatalysts for fine chemicals synthesis 45730217 17995
Biodiversity and cultural property in the management of limestone resources : lessons from East Asia 44965499 26656
Biodiversity and Native America 44954604 33378
Bioinformatics : the machine learning approach 43474595 1441
Biological performance of materials : fundamentals of biocompatibility 44965016 11493
Biological weapons : limiting the threat 42856007 9318
Biology and management of noxious rangeland weeds 44960408 26022
Bipolar disorders : a guide to helping children & adolescents 44960102 24204
Bird news : vagrants and visitors on a peculiar island 45727446 38460
Birth of a national icon : the literary avant-garde and the origins of the intellectual in France 42636853 5660
Birth of the chaordic age 45733132 41335
Birth, marriage, and death : ritual, religion, and the life-cycle in Tudor and Stuart England. 44957788 18314
Bison hunting at Cooper site : where lightning bolts drew thundering herds 50320889 15153
Black Camelot : African-American culture heroes in their times, 1960-1980 44959514 35138
Black enterprise titans of the B.E. 100s : black CEOs who redefined and conquered American business 45730574 26139
Black Hawk's autobiography 44955102 19258
Black holes, wormholes & time machines 45734058 40985
Black lives : essays in African American biography 45729383 24531
Black workers remember : an oral history of segregation, unionism, and the freedom struggle 45729800 41902
Black, white, and Huckleberry Finn : re-imagining the American dream 45733283 44567
Blackfoot children and elders talk together 44963418 19956
Blackpool 43476405 9680
Blood saga : hemophilia, AIDS, and the survival of a community 45729684 42352
Bloody dawn : the story of the Lawrence massacre 45729305 27535
Blue collar resumes 44956679 25034
Blues Boy : the life and music of B.B. King 42854495 4669
Blundering to glory : Napoleon's military campaigns 45727915 26001
Bob Miller's algebra for the clueless : algebra 44955627 13525
Bob Miller's SAT math for the clueless : SAT math 44961190 12896
Bodies at risk : unsafe limits in romanticism and postmodernism 42855918 5461
Body of vision : representations of the body in recent film and poetry 44962901 27604
Body talk : a girl's guide to what's happening to your body 44954098 20073
Bold dragoon : the life of J.E.B. Stuart 44961312 15097
Bond market rules : 50 investing axioms to master bonds for income or trading 44955195 24006
Bone deep in landscape : writing, reading, and place 43477084 15873
Bone voyage / a journey in forensic anthropology 44960399 22879
Bonfire of the humanities : television, subliteracy, and long-term memory loss 45731112 33870
Boomer basics : everything that you need to know about the issues facing you, your children, and your parents 44955234 24007
Border conflict : Villistas, Carrancistas, and the Punitive Expedition, 1915-1920 42330204 5089
Border correspondent : selected writings, 1955-1970 42855073 6877
Borderlander : the life of James Kirker, 1793-1852 44963568 15679
Botanical medicine : efficacy, quality assurance, and regulation 45732952 22751
Botany and healing : medicinal plants of New Jersey and the region 42922402 2047
Bottom-line selling : the sales professional's guide to improving customer profits 43803174 13280
Boundary value problems and singular pseudo-differential operators 45727793 17886
Bradley and the structure of knowledge 42855871 5637
Brain, vision, memory : tales in the history of neuroscience 42329100 1349
Brainchildren : essays on designing minds 42854107 1426
Bram Fischer : Afrikaner revolutionary 43475465 13803
Bread, or bullets! : urban labor and Spanish colonialism in Cuba, 1850-1898 42854810 5831
Breaking new ground : the transgressive poetics of Claudio Rodrâiguez 45730733 23890
Breaking the antibiotic habit : a parent's guide to coughs, colds, ear infections, and sore throats 45730604 26141
Breaking through : the making of minority executives in corporate America 44958639 35054
Breastfeeding and human lactation 44957095 25772
Breathe well, be well : a program to relieve stress, anxiety, asthma, hypertension, migraine, and other disorders for better health 45730650 26142
Brian Friel's (post) colonial drama : language, illusion, and politics  45730835 33860
Bridges to reading. Grades 3-6 : teaching reading skills with children's literature 44956564 21844
Bridges to reading. Grades K-3 : teaching reading skills with children's literature 44956599 21846
Bridging mental boundaries in a postcolonial microcosm : identity and development in Vanuatu 44954891 39140
Bringing out the best in people : How to apply the astonishing power of positive reinforcement 45731900 24009
Britain in "decline"?. Vol. 19 44954275 10489
British propaganda in the 20th century : selling democracy 44964679 9678
Broadcasting in the Arab world : a survey of the electronic media in the Middle East 44955171 19260
Brookings papers on education policy, 1999 42331038 4894
Brothers in arms : the rise and fall of the Sino-Soviet alliance, 1945-1963 42855571 6691
Budapest exit : a memoir of fascism, communism, and freedom 44964920 18148
Buddhism in contemporary Tibet : religious revival and cultural identity 43475048 9390
Buddhist women across cultures : realizations 42636631 5635
Buffalo soldiers and officers of the Ninth Cavalry, 1867-1898 : black & white together 44960289 15556
Build a web site: the lazy way 43803258 8931
Building a great résumé : for job hunters, career changers, consultants, and freelancers 44956751 25036
Building a house for diversity : how a fable about a giraffe & elephant offers new strategies for today's workforce 44960928 16186
Building a partnership with your boss : a take-charge assistant book 42330341 4137
Building an American identity : pattern book homes and communities, 1870-1900 44962673 24311
Building enterprise solutions with Visual Studio 6 44966013 8116
Building family literacy in an urban community 45728398 34541
Building owner's and manager's guide : optimizing facility performance 44960304 14567
Building trust at the speed of change : the power of the relationship-based corporation 44960963 16187
Burma : prospects for a democratic future 42330191 4948
Business climate shifts : profiles of change makers 44964468 34043
Business speak : using speech technology to streamline your business 45730681 26144
Business the way : secrets of the world's most astonishing Web business 44963795 19127
But now I see : the White southern racial conversion narrative 45733408 42615
Buy American : the untold story of economic nationalism 45729129 43534
Buzzwords : a scientist muses on sex, bugs, and rock'n roll 45843754 46348
By the renewing of your minds : the pastoral function of Christian doctrine 45733529 25910
C by Example 45727306 38452
C.S. Forester and the Hornblower saga 45729189 33747
C++ programming with CORBA 45730710 26145
Cadres and kin : making a socialist village in West China, 1921-1991 42330941 6671
Calcium signaling protocols 45729497 28026
Calculating risks? : the spatial and political dimensions of hazardous waste policy 42856089 9376
California soul : music of African Americans in the West 42855007 6916
California studies in critical human geography. Vol. 2, Making the invisible visible : a multicultural planning history 42855037 6897
Call of duty : a Montana girl in World War II 45733796 42684
Cambodia reborn? : the transition to democracy and development  42330196 4949
Cambrian intelligence : the early history of the new AI 42856008 9319
Can the poor influence policy? : participatory poverty assessments in the developing world 44962729 26520
Canadian companies in Japan : lessons from experience 45731858 17700
Cancer and HIV clinical nutrition pocket guide 45732873 25833
Cancer clinical trials : experimental treatments & how they can help you 44960138 24205
Cannibalism is an acquired taste : and other notes from conversations with anthropologist Omer C. Stewart 42329385 166
Capitalism with a comrade's face : studies in the postcommunist transition 43475188 8790
Capitalizing knowledge : new intersections of industry and academia 42855372 5578
Captive bodies : postcolonial subjectivity in cinema 42856158 5642
Carbohydrate biotechnology protocols 45729278 28014
Careers as a disc jockey 44957880 19766
Careers as an electrician 44960329 19457
Careers for class clowns & other engaging types 43476440 13334
Careers for color connoisseurs & other visual types 43476441 13335
Careers for competitive spirits & other peak performers 43803124 13336
Careers for crafty people and other dexterous types 44954579 13339
Careers for culture lovers & other artsy types 43802961 13340
Careers for extroverts & other gregarious types 44954535 23983
Careers for financial mavens & other money movers 43476444 13345
Careers for introverts & other solitary types 43476447 13351
Careers for kids at heart & others who adore children 44954488 23982
Careers for patriotic types & others who want to serve their country 44954578 23984
Careers for perfectionists & other meticulous types 43476907 13358
Careers for romantics & other dreamy types 44954618 23985
Careers in alternative medicine 44964527 19601
Careers in art 44954728 23988
Careers in communications 43803020 13411
Careers in cosmetology 43803130 20216
Careers in finance 43803284 13415
Careers in graphic arts and computer graphics 43802852 20218
Careers in high tech 43802709 13417
Careers in journalism 44954774 23989
Careers in social work 43802707 19590
Careers in starting and building franchises 43802878 20219
Careers in the fashion industry 43477104 20217
Careers in trucking 44959458 19818
Careers inside the world of health care 44960939 19483
Carl Sagan : a life 45732481 35280
Carl Schmitt : the end of law 44956198 18734
Carl Schurz, a biography 44955792 16499
Carlos Fuentes, Mexico and modernity 44965323 21134
Carpetbagger of conscience : a biography of John Emory Bryant 44963314 16286
Carried to the wall : American memory and the Vietnam Veterans Memorial 42417865 6833
Cartographies of desire : captivity, race, and sex in the shaping of an American nation 44954092 15309
Case studies on information technology in higher education : implications for policy and practice 45727803 42255
Cases in sport marketing 45729873 26414
Casino gambling the smart way : how to have more fun and win more money 44957058 25045
Cassian the monk 44959761 23581
Catalog copy that sizzles : all the hints, tips, and tricks of the trade you'll ever need to write copy that sells 43475895 11991
Catalogue of the tiger beetles of Canada and the United States 44961678 9267
Catching dreams : my life in the Negro baseball leagues 45731507 33882
Caught in the middle : a teen guide to custody 44957330 20229
Causality and chance in modern physics 44960409 17169
Cause lawyering : political commitments and professional responsibilities 45728153 23646
CCH state payroll law handbook 44959669 16101
Celebrating the coyote : a memoir 44955885 34603
Celebrating the earth : stories, experiences, and activities 45732237 33513
Cell planning for wireless communications 45731675 40367
Celluloid soldiers : the Warner Bros. campaign against Nazism 45733675 48198
Celtic Christianity : making myths and chasing dreams 43476415 9777
Central banking in theory and practice 42855984 9303
Central Eurasian water crisis : Caspian, Aral, and Dead seas 44965189 20533
CEO -- chief evolutionary officer : leaders mapping the future 45727427 34034
Ceremony and ritual in Japan : religious practices in an industrialized society 45727369 41031
CFROI valuation : a total system approach to valuing the firm 45727601 34042
Change is the rule : practical actions for change, on target, on time, on budget 44961727 23681
Changing families, changing responsibilities : family obligations following divorce and remarriage 45728217 19340
Changing perceptions and altered reality : emerging economies in the 1990s 44954306 26707
Changing perspectives on the archaeology of the Central Mississippi River Valley 44956804 13562
Channel champions : how leading companies build new strategies to serve customers 45728704 26045
Charles Dickens 44954254 38703
Charles Doolittle Walcott, paleontologist 45730085 27562
Charles Sanders Peirce : a life 42854602 1052
Charles W. Chesnutt : essays and speeches 44962178 6685
Charter schools : another flawed educational reform? 45728432 34542
Chasing shadows : Indians along the United States-Mexico border, 1876-1911 44960208 22873
Chaucerian polity : absolutist lineages and associational forms in England and Italy 42855873 6673
Chaucer's biblical poetics 44965064 15245
Che bella figura! : the power of performance in an Italian ladies' club in Chicago 42855859 5619
Cheating on tests : how to do it, detect it, and prevent it 43803302 19318
Cheetahs 44961948 19904
Cheran : a Sierra Tarascan village 44965095 15246
Cherokee Americans : the eastern band of Cherokees in the twentieth century 45732454 45459
Child abuse, domestic violence, and animal abuse : linking the circles of compassion for prevention and intervention 42636597 7806
Childhood cancer : a parent's guide to solid tumor cancers 44959651 24188
Childhood leukemia : a guide for families, friends & caregivers 44959687 24189
Children, families, and health care decision making 43476497 12372
Children's folklore : a source book 44958685 18341
Children's inquiry : using language to make sense of the world 45728002 34525
Chile : recent policy lessons and emerging challenges 44955269 26755
China live : people power and the television revolution 44965696 18628
China on the brink : the myths and realities of the world's largest market 45730037 38775
China's Catholics : tragedy and hope in an emerging civil society 47011812 9423
China's living houses : folk beliefs, symbols, and household ornamentation 45729924 39279
China's road to disaster : Mao, central politicians, and provincial leaders in the unfolding of the great leap forward, 1955-1959 45729257 24514
China's unfinished economic revolution 42330179 4898
Chinese policy toward Russia and the Central Asian Republics 44964263 20502
Choosing a career in banking and finance 44964818 19613
Choosing a career in computers 44964593 19603
Choosing a career in hotels, motels, and resorts 44964720 19608
Choosing a career in music 44964653 19606
Choosing a career in the helping professions 44964785 19611
Choosing a career in the restaurant industry 44964686 19607
Choosing a career in transportation 44964752 19609
Choosing a database for your Web site 45730849 26152
Choosing a quality control system 44964038 23788
Choosing the right thing to do : in life, at work, in relationships, and for the planet 45730016 43815
Christian origins and the language of the Kingdom of God 43476310 11623
Christians among the virtues : theological conversations with ancient and modern ethics 45730559 47505
Christians and chiefs in Zimbabwe : a social history of the Hwesa people 43477347 9584
Church, culture, & curriculum : theology and mathematics in the Jesuit Ratio studiorum 45729329 40081
Circulating being : from embodiment to incorporation : essays on late existentialism 44962476 16259
Cisco catalyst LAN switching 44961984 13024
Cisco internetworking and troubleshooting 45728831 23093
Cisco IOS essentials 44961788 12996
Cisco multicast routing and switching 44961820 12997
Cisco packetized voice and data integration 44962118 13038
Cisco router handbook 44962014 13026
Cisco security architectures 44961888 13000
Cities and the environment : new approaches for eco-societies 44962196 21010
Citizen perspectives on community policing : a case study in Athens, Georgia 42855153 5464
Citizens, computers, and connectivity : a review of trends 45730803 20462
Citizenship rites : feminist soldiers and feminist antimilitarists 45728245 48654
City of sacrifice : the Aztec empire and the role of violence in civilization 45729199 43539
Civic space/cyberspace : the American public library in the information age 42856277 9298
Civil rights and social wrongs : Black-white relations since World War II 45728564 25477
Civil rights and the paradox of liberal democracy 44963370 18536
Civil rights childhood 44958335 25859
Civil society : the critical history of an idea 45844125 48669
Civil War Mississippi : a guide 44954384 24956
Cláper 44960010 22868
Classical and quantum black holes 45728164 27471
Classroom discipline in American schools : problems and possibilities for democratic education 42636550 5394
Cleavage : technology, controversy, and the ironies of the man-made breast 45729672 40176
Click & close : e-nabling the real estate transaction 44961761 23682
Clinical handbook for biotherapy 45732223 25771
Clinician's guide to neuropsychological assessment 45728876 19445
Clinton and Congress, 1993-1996 : risk, restoration, and reelection 43477079 15845
Close more sales! : persuasion skills that boost your selling power 45732435 43976
Close to home : oral and literate practices in a transnational Mexicano community 45728647 34549
Closing the education gap : benefits and costs 44964329 20504
Coachella 44960853 22894
Coaching : evoking excellence in others 45734071 34013
Coaching, counseling & mentoring : how to choose & use the right technique to boost employee performance 42328397 437
Cocaine politics : drugs, armies, and the CIA in Central America 42922431 6829
Cognition, aging, and self-reports 42922482 10212
Cognitive case conceptualization : a guidebook for practitioners 45727317 24297
Cognitive perspectives on peer learning 44964158 24374
Cognitive work analysis : toward safe, productive, and healthy computer-based work 44961122 24248
Coherent radiation processes in plasma 44963337 18026
Cold non-equilibrium plasma : generation, properties, applications  44963305 18022
Coleridge on dreaming : Romanticism, dreams, and the medical imagination 42854040 2076
Collaborative reform and other improbable dreams : the challenges of professional development schools 45733145 44035
Collective conflict management and changing world politics 42855319 5508
Colon & rectal cancer : a comprehensive guide for patients & families 44959763 24191
Color drawing : design drawing skills and techniques for architects, landscape architects, and interior designers 45730878 26155
Colorado : our colorful state 42922573 10222
Colorado givers : a history of philanthropic heroes 42330320 5134
Coloring outside the lines : mentoring women into school leadership 45733741 44063
Combating corruption : a comparative review of selected legal aspects of state practices and major international initiatives 44954153 26702
Combination vaccines : development, clinical research, and approval 45729962 28043
Combining service and learning in higher education : evaluation of the Learn and Serve America Higher Education program 44964914 20523
Comedy, tragedy, and religion 42636558 5659
Comic book culture : fanboys and true believers 44959239 25895
Coming into communion : pastoral dialogues in colonial New England 45733349 44047
Coming of age with the New Republic, 1938-1950 45727602 46430
Command concepts : a theory derived from the practice of command and control 44962871 20461
Commanding Boston's Irish Ninth : the Civil War letters of Colonel Patrick R. Guiney, Ninth Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry 44964135 16324
Commissioning buildings in hot, humid climates : design and construction guidelines 44960700 14579
Commodity & propriety : competing visions of property in American legal thought, 1776-1970 44959748 35166
Common ground : feminist collaboration in the academy 42855135 5428
Common interest, common good : creating value through business and social sector partnerships 44954435 38716
Common knowledge : how companies thrive by sharing what they know 45729002 35077
Common science? : women, science, and knowledge 42854048 1264
Communicating gender 44959032 19413
Communicating uncertainty : media coverage of new and controversial science 44961365 24259
Communicating when your company is under siege : surviving public crisis 44954434 16446
Communication and social influence processes 44958611 22819
Communication, race, and family : exploring communication in black, white, and biracial families 44961163 24251
Community and communication : the role of language in nation state building and European integration 45730207 38791
Community colleges as cultural texts : qualitative explorations of organizational and student culture 45729716 44222
Community informatics : enabling communities with information and communications technologies 45731044 42430
Community networks : lessons from Blacksburg, Virginia 45731993 40409
Community works : the revival of civil society in America 42330986 4952
Community, collaboration, and collegiality in school reform : an odyssey toward connections 42855590 7286
Community, violence, and peace : Aldo Leopold, Mohandas K. Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Gautama the Buddha in the twenty-first century 42855741 5572
Comparative and international criminal justice systems : policing, judiciary, and corrections 44963743 33992
Comparative political economy : a retrospective 44960536 27239
Comparative statistical inference 45734002 17849
Comparing financial systems 45731470 27227
Compensating new sales roles : how to design rewards that work in today's selling environment 42330636 2910
Competing on the edge : strategy as structured chaos 44958453 35049
Competition in telecommunications 45728219 24394
Competition policy and intellectual property rights in the knowledge-based economy 44965475 21139
Competition, regulation, and convergence : current trends in telecommunications policy research 45727355 24298
Complaint letters for busy people 44957231 25054
Complete stories, 1864-1874 44954805 16976
Complete stories, 1874-1884 44954855 16977
Complete stories, 1884-1891 44954901 16978
Complex analysis for mathematics and engineering 45731483 25705
Complex carbohydrates in foods 44954036 11536
Complying with COBRA after the 1999 regulations ; professional explanation, text of 1999 final and proposed regulations, administrative forms and notices 43803078 16138
Component-based network systems engineering 45843168 40408
Composing interactive music : techniques and ideas using Max 42329066 1430
Composition studies as a creative art : teaching, writing, scholarship, administration 42329372 2150
Computational issues in high performance software for nonlinear optimization 45731833 38918
Computer animator 44957148 20221
Computer corpus lexicography 42922750 9686
Computer telephony integration 45731746 40371
Conceptual coordination : how the mind orders experience in time  45727428 24303
Conceptual development : Piaget's legacy 44959299 19421
Conceptual spaces : the geometry of thought 44957145 32643
Condemning students to debt : college loans and public policy 42331012 4968
Conditional partners : Eisenhower, the United Nations, and the search for a permanent peace 45730330 44256
Confederate home front : Montgomery during the Civil War 44956466 32514
Confessional politics : women's sexual self-representations in life writing and popular media 43476479 11637
Confessions of a medicine man : an essay in popular philosophy 42328600 1683
Configuring Cisco Routers for ISDN 44961631 12975
Confined space entry : a guide to compliance 45729858 23789
Conflict and cohesion in families : causes and consequences 44956969 19325
Confounded expectations : the law's struggle with personal responsibility 45733729 46040
Confronting the drug control establishment : Alfred Lindesmith as a public intellectual 45733107 44033
Confucianism and the family 42856520 5532
Conservation and the gospel of efficiency : the progressive conservation movement, 1890-1920 42417569 5833
Consolidating active and reserve component training infrastructure  44963442 20481
Conspiracy of interests : Iroquois dispossession and the rise of New York State 45731442 33880
Constitutive criminology at work : applications to crime and justice 45730592 43841
Constructing "the beginning" : discourses of creation science 44957887 19367
Constructing boundaries : Jewish and Arab workers in mandatory Palestine 45729143 44198
Constructing female identities : meaning making in an upper middle class youth culture 42856475 5491
Constructing Spanish womanhood : female identity in modern Spain 42855546 5600
Constructing world culture : international nongovernmental organizations since 1875 42856389 6652
Constructions 42922311 1464
Consuming power : a social history of American energies 42328564 1408
Contagion : sexuality, disease, and death in German idealism and romanticism 43476619 10983
Contemporary art therapy with adolescents 44965106 13240
Contemporary feminist theories 43476393 9595
Contemporary Native American cultural issues 44963031 24323
Contemporary Native American political issues 44963064 24324
Contemporary special education research : syntheses of the knowledge base on critical instructional issues 45732076 45414
Content-based college ESL instruction 44961232 24254
Contested Eden : California before the Gold Rush 44955225 21202
Contested grounds : security and conflict in the new environmental politics 42856145 5629
Contested landscape : the politics of wilderness in Utah and the West 43476020 12496
Contested lives : the abortion debate in an American community 42636455 6860
Contested terrain : a new history of nature and people in the Adirondacks 45731339 33877
Contesting citizenship in urban China : peasant migrants, the state, and the logic of the market 45731118 41967
Continental drift : colliding continents, converging cultures 45734145 39869
Continental transpressional and transtensional tectonics 45732014 27276
Continuities in cultural evolution 45728389 46879
Control of breathing in health and disease 44960537 12857
Controlling diabetes naturally with Chinese medicine 43476409 11871
Controversies & commanders : dispatches from the Army of the Potomac 44959009 10179
Conversation analysis 45729650 44896
Conversations in cold rooms : women, work, and poverty in nineteenth-century Northumberland 44958162 16607
Conversations with Lew Binford : drafting the new archaeology 43477019 14837
Conversations with uncommon women : insights from women who've risen above life's challenges to achieve extraordinary success 44961059 16190
Conversing by signs : poetics of implication in colonial New England culture 44961544 13976
Cooperative learning in context : an educational innovation in everyday classrooms 45729181 44199
Coping with a learning disability 43803160 19510
Coping with an unplanned pregnancy 43802740 19591
Coping with asthma 44961095 19490
Coping with blindness : personal tales of blindness rehabilitation 44957863 22305
Coping with date rape and acquaintance rape 44960287 19456
Coping with divorce, single parenting, and remarriage : a risk and resiliency perspective 45728287 19345
Coping with drugs and sports 44961677 19512
Coping with eating disorders 44961339 19497
Coping with grieving and loss 43802752 20199
Coping with hereditary diseases 44956767 20206
Coping with life and death : Jewish families in the twentieth century 45727364 23578
Coping with melanoma and other skin cancers 43803091 20201
Coping with peer pressure 44964498 19599
Coping with self-mutilation : a helping book for teens who hurt themselves 44956807 20207
Coping with street gangs 43803200 19521
Coping with stress 44965023 19618
Coping with stuttering 43802967 21611
Coping with teen parenting 44961720 19513
Coping with teen suicide 43802788 20200
Coping with ulcers, heartburn, and stress-related stomach disorders 43803250 21610
Coping with weapons and violence in school and on your streets 44962036 19524
Copyright law 45728576 11175
Cornwall politics in the age of reform, 1790-1885 44956323 16527
Corporate communications for executives 44959898 5504
Corporate cults : the insidious lure of the all-consuming organization 43802750 11179
Corporate environmental policies 44955620 18711
Corporate image management : a marketing discipline for the 21st century 45733999 34003
Corporate radar : tracking the forces that are shaping your business 44961091 16191
Corridor of hope : a visual view of informal economy 44963077 18528
Countdown to statehood : Palestinian state formation in the West Bank and Gaza 42855919 5524
Countering the new terrorism 44963902 20493
Counterpleasures 42855552 5639
Country roads of Florida : drives, day trips, and weekend excursions 43803104 18490
Country roads of Indiana : drives, day trips, and weekend excursions 44958911 18367
Country roads of Maine : drives, day trips, and weekend excursions 43802937 18788
Country roads of Maryland and Delaware : drives, day trips, and weekend excursions 43476560 11828
Country roads of Massachusetts : drives, day trips, and weekend excursions 44958517 18807
Country roads of Minnesota : drives, day trips, and weekend excursions 43802902 18496
Country roads of New Hampshire : drives, day trips, and weekend excursions 44957539 18778
Country roads of New Jersey : drives, day trips, and weekend excursions 43803135 18503
Country roads of Ohio : drives, day trips, and weekend excursions  44962086 18482
Country roads of Pennsylvania : drives, day trips, and weekend excursions 44958871 18365
Country roads of Texas : drives, day trips, and weekend excursions 44961972 18479
Country roads of Virginia : drives, day trips, and weekend excursions 44958692 18812
Country roads of West Virginia : drives, day trips, and weekend excursions 44958485 18806
Country towns of Maine : charming small towns and villages to explore 43803047 18373
Country towns of Maryland & Delaware : charming small towns and villages to explore 43803313 18500
Country towns of Michigan : charming small towns and villages to explore 44962159 18484
Country towns of Vermont : charming small towns and villages to explore 44958836 18363
Country towns of Wisconsin : charming small towns and villages to explore 43803003 18485
Court performance around the world : a comparative perspective 44964894 26625
Cousins and strangers : Spanish immigrants in Buenos Aires, 1850-1930 44958735 21304
Coyote in the maze : tracking Edward Abbey in a world of words 43476305 12511
Cracks in the pedestal : ideology and gender in Hollywood 43475511 13835
Crafting society : ethnicity, class, and communication theory 44962168 24290
Created in our image : the miniature body of the doll as subject and object 44965172 23891
Creating a democratic public : the struggle for urban participatory democracy during the progressive era 44953818 25483
Creating a world that works for all 45729315 41474
Creating brand loyalty : the management of power positioning and really great advertising 45732090 43957
Creating safe space : violence and women's writing 42856093 7921
Creating the American state : the moral reformers and the modern administrative world they made 44956647 26949
Creating the National Park Service : the missing years 44964545 15219
Creating the self in the contemporary American theatre 43476301 11618
Creating value in the network economy 42855586 7244
Creative content for the Web 44960828 20891
Creative resources for infants and toddlers 44958865 8779
Creative resources for the early childhood classroom 44955015 13502
Crescendo of the virtuoso : spectacle, skill, and self-promotion in Paris during the Age of Revolution 42855034 6912
Crime and criminal justice in Israel : assessing the knowledge base toward the twenty-first century 42855165 5474
Crime and punishment in late colonial Mexico City, 1692-1810 44964387 22562
Crime sans frontières : international and European legal approaches 44963316 9532
Crime scene investigation 44956082 21826
Crime, cultural conflict, and justice in rural Russia, 1856-1914 45732082 6911
Crime, protest and police in modern British society : essays in honour of David J.V. Jones 44959985 27193
Criminal and citizen in modern Mexico 45733386 44576
Criminal poisoning : investigational guide for law enforcement, toxicologists, forensic scientists, and attorneys 45731283 42004
Critical chain project management 45843169 40410
Critical masses : citizens, nuclear weapons production, and environmental destruction in the United States and Russia 44957552 17056
Critical perspectives on Project Head Start : revisioning the hope and challenge 42855354 5559
Critical thinking : an introduction to the basic skills 45728649 34158
Cross-addiction : the hidden risk of multiple addictions 44957109 20215
Cross-cultural neuropsychological assessment : theory and practice 44964019 24370
Crossing borders : an American woman in the Middle East 45728860 33736
Crossing borders through folklore : African American women's fiction and art 45729813 49430
Crossing platforms : a Macintosh/Windows phrasebook 44964628 24411
Crossing the border : encounters between homeless people and outreach workers 45731877 41604
Cross-train your brain : a mental fitness program for maximizing creativity and achieving success 42854667 3054
Crow children and elders talk together 44963455 19957
Crushes, creeps, and classmates : a girl's guide to getting along with boys 44953940 20069
Crying hands : eugenics and deaf people in Nazi Germany 43475908 12026
Culinary arts career starter 45728531 28370
Cultivating peace : conflict and collaboration in natural resource management 44965845 26677
Cultural diversity and the U.S. media 42856416 5567
Cultural orphans in America 44958046 25850
Cultural processes in child development 45728538 19377
Cultural semantics : keywords of our time 43475543 13863
Culturally responsive teaching : theory, research, and practice 45729009 34561
Culture : a problem that cannot be solved 44962185 18985
Culture and politics in the Great Depression 43475922 10488
Culture and the Nonconformist tradition 44958381 27091
Cultures of opposition : Jewish immigrant workers, New York City, 1881-1905 45730479 43837
Cultures of secrecy : reinventing race in bush Kaliai cargo cults 44961570 18968
Culturing nerve cells 44961429 9254
Curbing corruption : toward a model for building national integrity 44953781 26691
Curbing the epidemic : governments and the economics of tobacco control 44954121 26701
Curing fibromyalgia naturally with Chinese medicine 44962976 21530
Current trends in international fusion research : proceedings of the second symposium 45733486 9289
Customer choice : purchasing energy in a deregulated market 44960513 14574
Cut your spending the lazy way 43802701 9129
CyberAssistant : how to use the Internet to get more done in less time 42922457 5169
Cytomegalovirus protocols  45729534 28027
Czech Republic : capital market review. 44954832 26734
D.H. Lawrence and the paradoxes of psychic life 45733183 44038
Dairy technology : principles of milk properties and processes 44965315 11513
Dancing with the devil : information technology and the new competition in higher education 44960697 26048
Danger Cave 44966005 12542
Dangerous decisions : problem solving in tomorrow's world 45733579 39688
Dangerous women, deadly words : phallic fantasy and modernity in three Japanese writers 42856390 6655
DAO object model : the definitive reference 45728565 24412
Dark river : a novel 44958203 15477
Darwinian dominion : animal welfare and human interests 42328574 398
Darwinian natural right : the biological ethics of human nature 42636874 5495
Dassonville : William E. Dassonville, California photographer, 1879-1957 45731478 20670
Data mining your website 45727682 34047
Data warehousing advice for managers 42328979 1908
Database nation : the death of privacy in the 21st century 44964667 24413
Dating and relating : a guy's guide to girls 44957532 20236
Dattåatreya : the immortal guru, yogin, and avatåara : a study of the tranformative and inclusive character of a multi-faceted Hindo deity 42855811 8599
Daughter of China : a true story of love and betrayal 45729673 26398
Dave Baum's definitive guide to Lego Mindstorms 45732612 23435
David Hartley on human nature 45728983 44179
Dead end kids : gang girls and the boys they know 44961297 18960
Dead giveaways : indigenous testaments of colonial Mesoamerica and the Andes 43476003 12490
Dead in their tracks : crossing America's desert borderlands 44957799 23480
Deaf children in China 44957931 12029
Dealing with being the middle child in your family 44954241 20120
Dealing with being the oldest child in your family 44954169 20118
Dealing with being the youngest child in your family 44954207 20119
Dealing with choices 44954351 20123
Dealing with competitiveness 44964212 19982
Dealing with discrimination 44964245 19983
Dealing with feeling left out 44964279 19984
Dealing with rules at home 44954279 20121
Dealing with secrets 44964313 19985
Dealing with showoffs 44954312 20122
Dealing with someone who is selfish 44965896 20038
Dealing with tattling 44964412 19989
Dear Chris : letters on the life of faith 43476170 10504
Dearest ones : a true World War II love story 45731076 26164
Death among the fossils 44959936 22864
Death and responsibility : the "work" of Levinas 42856471 8417
Death before dying : the Sufi poems of Sultan Bahu 43476270 9976
Debating democracy's discontent : essays on American politics, law, and public philosophy 43476559 12395
Debating the good society : a quest to bridge America's moral divide 42856043 9341
Decadent enchantments : the revival of Gregorian chant at Solesmes 44964490 19152
Decision analysis for management judgment 44962758 17815
Decision making for technology executives : using multiple perspectives to improved performance 45731714 40369
Deductive reasoning and strategies 44959132 19416
Deepening democracy? : the modern left and social movements in Chile and Peru 42922423 6670
Defense working capital fund pricing policies : insights from the Defense Finance and Accounting Service 44964486 20511
Defining a common planning framework for the Air Force 44963395 20480
Defying gravity : Jean Paulhan's interventions in twentieth-century French intellectual history 42856097 7924
Defying the market : profiting in the turbulent post-technology boom 44955337 24013
Delirium and destiny : a Spaniard in her twenties 42856303 7865
Delphi : a desktop quick reference 45728599 24414
DeMIStifying MIS : guidelines for management information systems in social funds 44965683 26667
Democracy and ethnography : constructing identities in multicultural liberal states 42856460 7678
Democracy at dawn : notes from Poland and points East 44965418 18164
Democracy, real and ideal : discourse ethics and radical politics 42855551 5626
Democracy, risk, and community : technological hazards and the evolution of liberalism 44958390 23507
Democratic artworks : politics and the arts from Trilling to Dylan 42856431 5540
Derivative credit risk : further advances in measurement and management 45733513 16866
Derrida and the future of literature 45727358 44100
Descartes 43476788 12419
Descartes and Husserl : the philosophical project of radical beginnings 45730678 43847
Desdemona's fire : poems 44958004 22796
Desegregation in Boston and Buffalo : the influence of local leaders 42856433 5562
Designing experiments and analyzing data : a model comparison perspective 45727394 24299
Designing project-based science : connecting learners through guided inquiry 45728467 34544
Destined to rule the schools : women and the superintendency, 1873-1995 42855313 5502
Detector dogs : sniffing out trouble 44961192 19876
Developing and validating multiple-choice test items 44957363 19343
Developing ASP components 44964697 24415
Developing knowledge-based client relationships : the future of professional services 45727324 34026
Developing new food products for a changing marketplace 45731090 23910
Developing theories of intention : social understanding and self-control 44961056 24245
Developing Uganda 43475359 7180
Developing Visual Basic add-ins 44964726 24416
Development of mental representation : theories and applications 44959471 19427
Development under adversity : the Palestinian economy in transition 44954658 26729
Developmental perspectives on children with high-incidence disabilities 44961434 24262
Developmental psychology : an advanced textbook 45733878 24246
Devoted to the Goddess : the life and work of Ramprasad 42636630 5470
Devotional poetics and the Indian sublime 44960022 5547
Dialects in schools and communities 45727940 24376
Dialogic civility in a cynical age : community, hope, and interpersonal relationships 45728700 44160
Dialogue, conflict resolution, and change : Arab-Jewish encounters in Israel 42856156 5641
Dialogues in public art : interviews with Vito Acconci, John Ahearn ... 45728232 39955
Diane Warner's big book of parties : creative party planning for every occasion 44957263 25059
Dictionary of hearing 44964929 13224
Digging the Days of the Dead : a reading of Mexico's Dâias de muertos 42330759 5137
Digital capital : harnessing the power of business webs 44963102 27624
Digital capitalism : networking the global market system 42922453 9305
Digital day trading : moving from one winning stock position to the next 44961937 23690
Digital libraries 45731551 27230
Digital modulation techniques 45731962 40406
Digital transformation : the essentials of e-Business leadership  44955167 39183
Dilemmas of transition : the Hungarian experience 44953803 18647
Director in a nutshell : a desktop quick reference 44957800 24625
Directory enabled networks 44961859 12999
Directory of financial aids for women, 1999-2001 44958782 8774
Disappearing acts : gender, power and relational practice at work 42856063 9354
Disciplining reproduction : modernity, American life sciences, and "the problems of sex" 42855807 8677
Disciplining sexuality : Foucault, life histories, and education 45728148 34529
Disclosing new worlds : entrepreneurship, democratic action, and the cultivation of solidarity 42855998 9313
Discourses. Book I 44964125 12370
Discovering El Niäno : how fable and fact together help explain the weather 45733067 32367
Discussions of Simone Weil 45733570 44058
Disease mapping and risk assessment for public health 45727465 17869
Dispatches from the Mexican War 44954433 15805
Dispersion-strengthened aluminum prepared by mechanical alloying 44963523 18052
Distance learning technologies : issues, trends, and opportunities  45727837 42256
Diversity of life : the illustrated guide to the five kingdoms 45731438 25703
Divided loyalties : nationalism and mass politics in Syria at the close of Empire 44954757 21188
Divine destiny : gender and race in nineteenth-century Protestantism 42330007 4674
DNA topoisomerase protocols. Vol. 1, DNA topology and enzymes 45729566 28029
Do investment regulations compromise pension fund performance? : evidence from Latin America 44965222 26644
Do lunch or be lunch : the power of predictability in creating your future 44958420 35048
Do options exist? : the reform of pension and health care systems in Latin America 42854811 5839
Do we still need doctors? 45731078 38852
Doc Holliday : a family portrait 44955929 15872
Doctors & rules : a sociology of professional values 45730487 49963
Doctrine and devotion in seventeenth-century poetry : studies in Donne, Herbert, Crashaw, and Vaughan 45732565 16536
Documents of American realism and naturalism 44957560 22296
Dodging bullets : changing U.S. corporate capital structure in the 1980s and 1990s 44963358 19109
Does the Army have a national land strategy? 44964198 20500
Dogs helping kids with feelings 44961114 19874
Doing business with Japan : successful strategies for intercultural communication 45730899 39340
Doing justice : liberalism, group constructs, and individual realities 42855325 8025
Doing psychotherapy effectively 44960074 35187
Doing rhetorical history : concepts and cases 44955394 23318
Do-it-yourself conflict resolution for couples : dynamic new ways for couples to heal their own relationships 44957436 25064
Domestic sources of international environmental policy : industry, environmentalists, and U.S. power 45728705 39991
Don Juan East/West : on the problematics of comparative literature 42856449 5523
Done deal? : the politics of the 1997 budget agreement 45731094 35208
Don't call us out of name : the untold lives of women and girls in poor America 45730911 44285
Don't think, smile! : notes on a decade of denial 45733925 46187
Double visions : women and men in modern and contemporary Irish fiction 45729536 33759
Dow 40,000 : strategies for profiting from the greatest bull market in history 44955373 24014
Down syndrome : a promising future, together 45731190 26170
Dramas of solitude : narratives of retreat in American nature writing 42855538 5465
Dreaming as delirium : how the brain goes out of its mind 44957666 17059
Dreaming of Columbus : a boyhood in the Bronx 45731620 33886
Dreams within a dream : the films of Peter Weir 45727478 46329
Drifting on a read : jazz as a model for writing 45728513 44154
Drive : neurobiological and molecular mechanisms of sexual motivation 44963864 13189
Driven by growth : political change in the Asia-Pacific region 45729216 24509
Driven into paradise : the musical migration from Nazi Germany to the United States 45727481 19165
Drug abuse prevention : a school and community partnership 45730384 26475
Drug interactions : protecting yourself from dangerous drug, medication, and food combinations 44956885 20209
Drug politics : dirty money and democracies 44959000 15510
Drugs and depression 44960486 19464
Drugs and mental illness 44957757 27008
Drugs and the legalization debate 44957960 19770
Drugs, runaways, and teen prostitution 44956922 20210
Duke : the life and image of John Wayne 44959218 15518
Durable inequality 42856522 6819
Dying, death, and bereavement 45729833 44953
Dynamics in action : intentional behavior as a complex system 44963393 19110
Early Black American leaders in nursing : architects for integration and equality 44955665 25615
Early care and education for children in poverty : promises, programs, and long-term results 42854788 5748
Early Daoist scriptures 45733550 9411
Early social cognition : understanding others in the first months of life 44958997 19412
Earth report 2000 : revisiting the true state of the planet 45731959 24015
Earthquake fears, predictions, and preparations in mid-America 44954228 21172
Earth's daughters : stories of women in classical mythology 45730760 41545
Eat fat, lose weight : how the right fats can make you thin for life 44958708 20346
Eating disorders 44956042 32490
Eating disorders : a reference sourcebook 42636635 7608
Eating landscape : Aztec and European occupation of Tlalocan 42856395 7266
eBay the smart way : selling, buying, and profiting on the Web's #1 auction site 43475873 8549
eBrands : building an Internet business at breakneck speed 44958929 35070
EC company law 44957889 18317
Eccentric spaces 44957114 32642
Ecological approaches to cognition : essays in honor of Ulric Neisser 44960218 19454
Ecological education in action : on weaving education, culture, and the environment 42636639 5593
Ecological policy and politics in developing countries : economic growth, democracy, and environment 42855173 5487
E-Commerce systems architecture and applications 45843167 40407
Econoguide '00 Canada : coast to coast in Canada's great cities, mountains, parks, and attractions 44962221 18494
Economic & financial analysis for engineering & project management 45731128 23911
Economic development and environmental sustainability : policies and principles for a durable equilibrium 44964947 34178
Economic growth 44961455 9258
Economic growth with equity : Ukrainian perspectives 44956416 33476
Economic interdependence in Ukrainian-Russian relations 45733929 44074
Economic openness : many facets, many metrics 45731089 20519
Economic reform and environmental performance in transition economies 44965740 26670
Economics : a self-teaching guide 45731301 26175
Economy and semantic interpretation 44960462 27233
Eco-restructuring : implications for sustainable development 44965247 20535
Eco-wars : political campaigns and social movements 42854686 4738
Ecstasy : the danger of false euphoria 44957843 19765
Ecstatic subjects, utopia, and recognition : Kristeva, Heidegger, Irigaray 42855721 5518
Edgar Allan Poe : comprehensive research and study guide 44963653 38594
Edgar Cayce in context : the Readings, truth and fiction 42636943 5564
Edge of tomorrow : an Arctic year 44965673 21733
Editing sky 43475355 10391
Edmund Burke. Vol. I 44963846 12352
Educating for democracy : case-method teaching and learning 44960507 24219
Educating Language Minority Children 45731002 50497
Educating new Americans : immigrant lives and learning 44963983 24367
Education and justice : a view from the back of the bus 45728184 34531
Education and the American Indian : the road to self-determination since 1928 44960820 22892
Education and the soul : toward a spiritual curriculum 45727521 44112
Education as the cultivation of intelligence 45729687 44898
Education, technology, power : educational computing as a social practice 42855540 5513
Educational publishing in global perspective : capacity building and trends 44955112 26748
Effect size for ANOVA designs 44955631 25001
Effective ways of working with children and their families 44964775 13219
Eicosanoid protocols 45729205 28012
Elder abuse work : best practice in Britain and Canada 44964867 13222
Election polls, the news media, and democracy 44960422 35224
Electric rhetoric : classical rhetoric, oralism, and a new literacy 42856060 9352
Electrical applications for air conditioning & refrigeration systems 45733786 14558
Electrical transformers and power equipment 44960628 14577
Electron acceleration in the aurora and beyond 45727709 27441
Electron microscopy : principles and techniques for biologists 44955124 25575
Electron microscopy methods and protocols 45729771 28035
Electronic commerce : strategies and models for business-to-business trading 45732932 17787
Electronic literacies : language, culture, and power in online education 44960042 19449
Electronic media and industrialized nations : a comparative study  44956171 19291
Electronic resumes & online networking : how to use the Internet to do a better job search, including a complete, up-to-date resource guide 45732145 25067
Elements in political science 44965047 9766
Elusive culture : schooling, race, and identity in global times 45727809 44126
Embodied conversational agents 44957381 32650
Embroidering lives : women's work and skill in the Lucknow embroidery industry 43475823 7885
Emerging democracy in late Imperial Russia : case studies on local self-government (the Zemstvos), State Duma elections, the Tsarist government, and the State Council before and during World War I 42328643 256
Emerging from Communism : lessons from Russia, China, and Eastern Europe 43475365 9302
Emily Dickinson 44963274 38581
Emmanuel Lâevinas : the problem of ethical metaphysics 44965183 21127
Emotional value : creating strong bonds with your customers 45728172 41422
Empire and antislavery : Spain, Cuba, and Puerto Rico, 1833-1874 42854812 5840
Enabling American innovation : engineering and the National Science Foundation 42856250 7809
Encouraging the heart : a leader's guide to rewarding and recognizing others 44960747 26054
Encyclopedia of deserts 44954160 15791
Encyclopedia of television news 42855187 7609
Endgames : the irreconcilable nature of modernity : essays and lectures 42854261 407
Endless night : cinema and psychoanalysis, parallel histories 45730459 41931
Endogenous growth theory 44963390 11333
Enduring roots : encounters with trees, history, and the American landscape 45731979 44406
Energies : an illustrated guide to the biosphere and civilization 45728390 24402
Energy from biomass : a review of combustion and gasification technologies 44964589 26602
Engaging countries : strengthening compliance with international environmental accords 42856094 9380
English epicures and stoics : ancient legacies in early Stuart culture 43475444 13779
English in Europe : the acquisition of a third language 45731548 38898
English literature of the 1920s 43477416 9695
Enhancing diversity : educators with disabilities 43476394 12036
Enter Rabelais, laughing 44959481 16091
Entering the 21st century : World development report, 1999/2000 44954410 26717
Enterprise JavaBeans 45733413 24207
Enterprise reform in China : ownership, transition, and performance 44955469 26775
Entertainment-education : a communication strategy for social change 44959538 19429
Entrepreneurship : the art of embracing the unknown : spiritual resources for fulfilling your entrepreneurial dream 42856246 6754
Environmental technology and economics : sustainable development in industry 44963711 33991
Envisioning power : ideologies of dominance and crisis 45732111 6920
Epic season : the 1948 American League pennant race 43475545 13865
Epic traditions in the contemporary world : the poetics of community 44962370 13049
E-policy : how to develop computer, E-policy, and Internet guidelines to protect your company and its assets 42328398 1902
E-profit : high payoff strategies for capturing the e-commerce edge 44958419 17102
Equilibrium unemployment theory 44957011 32637
Equity and science education reform 45729580 44893
Ernst & Young's financial planning essentials 45731417 26179
Error-control block codes for communications engineers 45732312 40423
Escape from cluelessness : a guide for the organizationally challenged 44961535 26408
E-service : twenty-four ways to keep your customers when the competition is just a click away 45728280 48710
Essays in transportation economics and policy : a handbook in honor of John R. Meyer 42330728 4905
Essays on artistic piano playing and other topics 44962515 28615
Essays, moral, political, and economic 44963396 9538
Essential coloproctology for nurses 44955600 13520
Essential genetics 45730993 25656
Essentials of human memory 43475871 10203
Essentials of symbolic logic 45728525 34143
Eternal people : a novel 42331001 5138
Ethernet : the definitive guide 44958331 24649
Ethical dilemmas in feminist research : the politics of location, interpretation, and publication 42856181 5661
Ethical leadership and decision making in education : applying theoretical perspectives to complex dilemmas 45729409 49111
Ethical vegetarianism : from Pythagoras to Peter Singer 42856445 7849
Ethics after idealism. Vol. 20 : theory, culture, ethnicity, reading 42854363 1030
Ethics for a small planet : new horizons on population, consumption, and ecology 42856387 8105
Ethnic identity and power : cultural contexts of political action in school and society 42636851 5486
E-topia : "urban life, Jim--but not as we know it" 44958503 10156
EU investment grants review 44965417 26651
Eudora Welty 44953712 38686
European heritage, planning and management 44959791 20855
European misunderstanding 44957324 26987
European television discourse in transition 44961719 16731
European Union accession : the challenges for public liability management in Central Europe 44953999 26698
Evaluating alternative cancer therapies : a guide to the science and politics of an emerging medical field 42330535 2067
Evaluating natural resource use in agriculture 44955648 19276
Evaluating water institutions and water sector performance 44965712 26669
Evangelicals and science in historical perspective 44960803 23620
Evaporative air-conditioning : applications for environmentally friendly cooling 44964557 26601
Every man also 42329884 4876
Every person's guide to antioxidants 42328966 2056
Everybody's story : wising up to the epic of evolution 45732958 44023
Everyday science experiments at the playground 44955313 20151
Everyday science experiments in the backyard 44955278 20150
Everyday science experiments in the car 44955379 20153
Everyday science experiments in the gym 44955344 20152
Everyday science experiments in the kitchen 44955210 20148
Everyday science experiments with food 44955245 20149
Everything you need to know about alcohol 44964265 19593
Everything you need to know about anger 44960371 19458
Everything you need to know about being a baby-sitter : a teen's guide to responsible child care 44957600 23471
Everything you need to know about being a vegan 44966054 20057
Everything you need to know about being a vegetarian 44966078 20062
Everything you need to know about being adopted 44953681 20063
Everything you need to know about being HIV-positive 44959530 19821
Everything you need to know about bipolar disorder and manic depressive illness 44957482 23466
Everything you need to know about body dysmorphic disorder : dealing with a distorted body image 44966037 20055
Everything you need to know about cancer 44965921 23261
Everything you need to know about conflict resolution 44966004 20044
Everything you need to know about dating and relationships 44965074 24429
Everything you need to know about deafness 44965105 24430
Everything you need to know about dealing with stalking 44953808 20066
Everything you need to know about Down syndrome 44966061 20058
Everything you need to know about drug addiction 44956687 20196
Everything you need to know about eating smart 44957636 23472
Everything you need to know about effective communication at school and at work 44957673 27006
Everything you need to know about family court 44959863 25931
Everything you need to know about getting a job 44966074 20061
Everything you need to know about going to the gynecologist 44953763 20065
Everything you need to know about learning disabilities 44966066 20059
Everything you need to know about living on your own 44957564 23469
Everything you need to know about looking and feeling your best : a guide for girls 44953748 23265
Everything you need to know about looking and feeling your best : a guide for guys 44953708 23264
Everything you need to know about media violence 44959940 19835
Everything you need to know about mehndi, temporary tattoos, and other temporary body art 44965145 24431
Everything you need to know about racism 44960374 19851
Everything you need to know about schizophrenia 44965180 24432
Everything you need to know about self-confidence 44961754 19514
Everything you need to know about sports injuries 44961410 19499
Everything you need to know about staying safe in cyberspace 44966071 20060
Everything you need to know about teen suicide 44956706 19736
Everything you need to know about the art of leadership : how to be a positive influence in your home, school, and community 44957514 23467
Everything you need to know about the dangers of overachieving : a guide for relieving pressure and anxiety 44957680 23473
Everything you need to know about yoga : an introduction for teens 44966046 20056
Everything you need to know about your legal rights 44961137 19491
Everything you need to know when a brother or sister is autistic 44959900 25933
Everything your heirs need to know : organizing your assets, family history, final wishes 44962074 23695
Evolution 45729843 26413
Evolutionary algorithms in engineering and computer science : recent advances in genetic algorithms, evolution strategies, evolutionary programming, genetic programming, and industrial applications 45728460 17916
Evolutionary computation. Vol. 1, Basic algorithms and operators 45730387 32720
Evolutionary computation. Vol. 2, Advanced algorithms and operators 45730438 32721
Excel models for business and operations management 45733085 17793
Exchange Server 5.5 44955487 13517
Exemplification in communication : the influence of case reports on the perception of issues 45727398 44650
Exhibiting contradiction : essays on the art museum in the United States 43475603 13940
Exiles in Hollywood : major European film directors in America 44965079 23887
Expanding literacies : English teaching and the new workplace 42855167 5475
Expectations of modernity : myths and meanings of urban life on the Zambian Copperbelt 45730914 41955
Explaining congressional-presidential relations : a multiple perspectives approach 45729921 44232
Explaining illness : research, theory, and strategies 44960884 24233
Explorations in environmental history : essays 42417573 5842
Exploring careers in the national parks 44964558 19602
Exploring energy & facilities management opportunities in a changing marketplace 44960548 14575
Exploring science : the cognition and development of discovery processes 44957078 32641
Exploring the environment through children's literature : an integrated approach 44956734 21850
Exposing the wilderness : early twentieth-century Adirondack postcard photographers 45730735 33856
Exterminate them : written accounts of the murder, rape, and slavery of Native Americans during the California gold rush, 1848-1868 44958214 22803
F. Scott Fitzgerald 44962793 38567
Face[t]s of first language loss 45727282 24294
Facilitating posttraumatic growth : a clinician's guide 45727854 24368
Facing the music : Irish poetry in the twentieth century 44964099 16321
Fair and foul : beyond the myths and paradoxes of sport 44955764 18715
Fair, square & legal : safe hiring, managing & firing practices to keep you & your company out of court 45727255 19113
Faith beyond reason 44963698 9557
Faith of fools : a journal of the Klondike Gold Rush 44965705 21734
Faith, hype, and clarity : teaching about religion in American schools and colleges 44955096 34530
Faith, serpents, and fire : images of Kentucky Holiness believers 42331000 4676
Faithful representations and topographic maps : from distortion-to informationa-based self-organization 45733039 35310
Faith's harvest : Mennonite identity in northwest Oklahoma 44960952 15582
Family fantasies and community space 44958363 18332
Fast oscillations in cortical circuits 44964561 24406
Fatal protein : the story of CJD, BSE, and other prion diseases 43476756 12403
Fathers of international thought : the legacy of political theory 45727528 42701
FAX : facsimile technology and systems 45731882 40403
Fear itself : enemies real & imagined in American culture 42856527 7801
Federalists reconsidered 44958102 17073
Feeding the world : a challenge for the twenty-first century 45729270 32652
Felix Holt, the radical 45727804 34058
Feminism and cultural studies 43477263 12427
Feminism and politics 43476816 12432
Feminism, the public and the private 43476796 12421
Feminist film theory : a reader 43477404 9594
Feminist science education 45729235 34570
Feminist teaching in theory and practice : situating power and knowledge in poststructural classrooms 44955453 34571
Feminist theory and the body : a reader 42922615 9604
Festive revolutions : the politics of popular theater and the San Francisco Mime Troupe 42854459 4680
Feuds, forays, and rebellions : history of the Highland clans, 1475-1625 44964647 9674
Fidelity with plausibility : modest christologies in the twentieth century 42856318 7891
Field crop diseases 44955512 19272
Field notes from the Northern forest 45731182 33872
Fighting to save our urban schools-- and winning! : lessons from Houston 44955181 34534
Figuring age : women, bodies, generations 42854555 1161
Figuring the East : Segalen, Malraux, Duras, and Barthes 45729959 44233
Filled with spirit and power : Protestant clergy in politics 45731159 44343
Film production theory 45728244 44143
Financial accounting in an economic context 45732943 21447
Financial aid for African Americans, 1999-2001 44958659 8770
Financial aid for Asian Americans, 1999-2001 44958719 8772
Financial aid for Hispanic Americans, 1999-2001 44958687 8771
Financial aid for Native Americans, 1999-2001 44958752 8773
Financial independence the smart way : investing for growth, income, and retirement 44962110 23697
Financial innovation 44962896 17831
Financial integration, vulnerabilities to crisis, and EU accession in five central European countries 44965472 26655
Financial self-confidence for the suddenly single : a woman's guide 44954423 23980
Financing the 1996 election 45729450 24538
Finding & keeping great employees 44961164 16193
Finding your place : a teen guide to life in a blended family 44957452 20234
Firearms of the American West, 1803-1865 44962380 286
First aid and CPR : web enhanced 45731719 25724
First person : an astonishingly frank self-portrait by Russia's president 44958786 28184
Fish in the lakes, wild rice, and game in abundance : testimony on behalf of Mille Lacs Ojibwe hunting and fishing rights 45730992 28892
Five lessons on the psychoanalytic theory of Jacques Lacan 42628689 8104
Five magic paths to making a fortune in real estate 44961669 35311
Flannery O'Connor and the mystery of love 45731341 16312
Flavoprotein protocols 45729686 28033
Flawless consulting : a guide to getting your expertise used 45729014 26057
Fleeing the universal : the critique of post-rational criticism 42636890 5496
Flesh and blood 44961672 27380
Flight dreams : a life in the midwestern landscape 44963331 22055
Flight from Chile : voices of exile 44960960 22898
Floods 44961779 19895
Florida's Black public officials, 1867-1924 44963696 21072
Flowing through time : a history of the lower Chattahoochee River 44957133 26975
Fluency and its teaching 44961785 16733
Flying solo : reimagining manhood, courage, and loss 45733497 45853
Folktale themes and activities for children. Vol. 2, Trickster and transformation tales 44956012 21824
Following old fencelines : tales from rural Texas 44965831 18183
Following tradition : folklore in the discourse of American culture 44955767 2122
Food and recipes of Africa 44961711 19891
Food and recipes of China 44961744 19892
Food and recipes of Greece 44963318 19953
Food and recipes of Japan 44963385 19955
Food and recipes of Mexico 44963286 19952
Food and recipes of the Caribbean 44963352 19954
Food hypersensitivity and adverse reactions : a practical guide for diagnosis and management 44958584 12118
Food product design : a computer-aided statistical approach 45731167 23912
Food security : new solutions for the twenty-first century 44955685 19277
For a vast future also : essays from the Journal of the Abraham Lincoln Association 44958109 17508
For documentary : twelve essays 45733368 42126
For girls only : making a case for single-sex schooling 42856410 5620
For la Patria : politics and the armed forces in Latin America 45732931 28226
Forced choices : class, community, and worker ownership 42856174 5651
Forecasting non-stationary economic time series 43476278 10720
Foreign affairs and the United States Constitution 45731793 23996
Foreign investment and restructuring : the evidence from Hungary 44965093 34187
Forensic epidemiology : a comprehensive guide for legal and epidemiology professionals 43476510 3483
Foreordained failure : the quest for a constitutional principle of religious freedom 45733941 23571
Forest management in Nepal : economics and ecology 44965080 26639
Forging a fateful alliance : Michigan State University and the Vietnam War 44959270 22841
Fort Orange records, 1656-1678 45729640 33768
Fort Riley and its neighbors : military money and economic growth, 1853-1895 44962858 15651
Fortress Europe : European fortifications of World War II 45734160 14779
Fortune and misery : Sallie Rhett Roman of New Orleans : a biographical portrait and selected fiction, 1891-1920 45732032 42500
Forty-six years in the army 44963761 15187
Foucault's challenge : discourse, knowledge, and power in education 42330314 4971
Foundations of criminal law 45733548 23537
Foundations of ethical practice, research, and teaching in psychology 45734075 24269
Foundations of expressive arts therapy : theoretical and clinical perspectives 44964685 13216
Founding friendship : George Washington, James Madison, and the creation of the American republic 44958064 17072
Four seasons of leadership 43475786 6755
Foxes and their homes 44964041 19975
Fragments of the feminine sublime in Friedrich Schlegel and James Joyce 42636730 8007
Frames and fictions on television : the politics of identity within drama 44957152 41364
Framing American divorce : from the revolutionary generation to the Victorians 45731367 41583
Framing the sexual subject : the politics of gender, sexuality, and power 45731535 41588
Framing the social security debate : values, politics, and economics 42330198 4955
France and the Apráes Guerre, 1918-1924 : illusions and disillusionment 45730368 44257
France in the New World : proceedings of the 22nd annual meeting of the French Colonial Historical Society 44959302 22842
France on display : peasants, provincials, and folklore in the 1937 Paris World's Fair 42855643 7939
Franchising & licensing : two ways to build your business 42330960 2443
Fraud! : how to protect yourself from schemes, scams, and swindles 44961204 16194
Frederick Douglass : freedom's voice, 1818-1845 44959336 22843
Free markets and social justice 44959059 23544
Freedom in my soul : a novel 42330992 5139
French : based on Schaum's outline of French grammar and French vocabulary 44955109 13506
French organ music : from the revolution to Franck and Widor 44954029 24923
French pianism : a historical perspective 44962016 28563
French revolutions, 1815-1914 : an introduction 42855410 9181
Fresnel zones in wireless links, zone plate lenses, and antennas 45731067 40331
Frida Kahlo : an open life 44965043 22590
From a native daughter : colonialism and sovereignty in Hawaiái 45733146 38994
From a single window : Michigan State University and its press, 1947-1997 44959378 22844
From algebra to zits : a girl's guide to making the most of life at school 44953893 20068
From ancient Cham to modern dialects : two thousand years of language contact and change 45729707 39260
From Barbie to Mortal Kombat : gender and computer games 42328580 393
From catastrophe to power : Holocaust survivors and the emergence of Israel 44962169 21412
From chiefs to landlords : social and economic change in the western Highlands and islands, c. 1493-1820 43477413 9663
From Everglade to Canyon with the Second United States Cavalry : 44960313 28305
From galaxies to turbines : science, technology, and the Parsons family 45728630 27493
From Gutenberg to the global information infrastructure : access to information in the networked world 45729237 32644
From Hegel to Madonna : towards a general economy of "commodity fetishism" 42636888 5471
From hell to redemption : a memoir of the Holocaust 42328659 273
From language to communication 44964085 24372
From mounds to mammoths : a field guide to Oklahoma prehistory. 44959895 33681
From myth to reason? : studies in the development of Greek thought 43477466 12346
From pathology to politics : public health in America 45730602 49970
From physics to politics : the metaphysical foundations of modern philosophy 45730774 50271
From pirates to drug lords : the Post-Cold War Caribbean security environment 42855179 5499
From puzzles to principles? : essays on Aristotle's dialectic 44963223 18532
From savage to Negro : anthropology and the construction of race, 1896-1954 42417782 6871
From subjects to citizens : honor, gender, and politics in Arequipa, Peru, 1780-1854 45728638 25482
From tellers to sellers : changing employment relations in banks 44954860 21783
From the dinosaurs of the past to the birds of the present 44955933 20173
From the royal to the republican body : incorporating the political in seventeenth- and eighteenth-century France 44958105 21287
From then into now : William Kennedy's Albany novels 42329303 686
From thoughts to obsessions : obsessive compulsive disorder in children and adolescents 44965072 13236
From Web to workplace : designing open hypermedia systems 42856194 9236
From Yorktown to Valmy : the transformation of the French Army in an age of revolution 42330993 5140
Frontier emerging equity markets securities price behavior and valuation 45733455 39683
Frontiers in health policy research 1 44956944 32634
Fuel up! : a girl's guide to eating well 44965941 23262
Fugitive red 43475473 13813
Functional job analysis : a foundation for human resources management 44957248 19338
Fundamentals of electrical control 44960664 14578
Fundamentals of neural network modeling : neuropsychology and cognitive neuroscience 43476111 9371
Fundamentals of telecommunications 45731725 26194
Fusion : a voyage through the plasma universe 45727986 27461
Future organizational design : the scope for the IT-based enterprise 45732566 17774
Gabriele D'Annunzio : defiant archangel 44954539 19233
Galen on anatomical procedures; de Anatomicis administrationibus 45728373 23045
Galileo's planet : observing Jupiter before photography 45728595 27491
Galveston : a history of the island 42854500 5095
Garnishment : a practical guide 44960817 16169
Gay parents/straight schools : building communication and trust 45728499 34545
Gear noise and vibration 44959201 12807
Gen X TV : the Brady Bunch to Melrose Place 45728894 33737
Gender and aging in Mesopotamia : the Gilgamesh epic and other ancient literature 45733770 22922
Gender and nationalism in colonial Cuba : the travels of Santa Cruz y Montalvo, condesa de Merlin 42330029 4861
Gender and the south China miracle : two worlds of factory women 42417778 6849
Gender-related legal reform and access to economic resources in Eastern Africa 44965766 26671
Genealogy basics online : a step-by-step introduction to finding your ancestors through the Internet 44959999 33701
Genealogy online 45730383 13023
General aspects of the chemistry of radicals 45729732 17972
General Stand Watie's Confederate Indians 44959949 15041
Generalized Riccati theory and robust control : a Popov function approach 45727388 17866
Generation 1.5 meets college composition : issues in the teaching of writing to U.S.-educated learners of ESL 44962130 24288
Generation in jeopardy : children in Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union 44955058 24533
Generations at work : managing the clash of veterans, boomers, xers, and nexters in your workplace 42922458 8546
Genetically engineered foods : changing the nature of nature : what you need to know to protect yourself, your family, and your planet 44953683 20665
Geoffrey Chaucer 44964797 38630
Geological evolution of ocean basins : results from the Ocean Drilling Program 44960196 28283
George Bernard Shaw 44965729 38664
George Garrett : the Elizabethan trilogy 42330722 4872
George Washington Grayson and the Creek nation, 1843-1920 44960037 15548
German 44955155 13507
Germany : a short history 43475951 11581
Germany in Central America : competitive imperialism, 1821-1929  44955641 23325
Gertrude Stein and Richard Wright : the poetics and politics of modernism 42329858 4681
Get a job in 30 days or less : a realistic action plan for finding the right job fast 44955454 24017
Get certified and get ahead 44962345 3542
Get clients now! : a 28-day marketing program for professionals and consultants 42330618 2469
Getting agencies to work together : the practice and theory of managerial craftsmanship 42330243 4908
Getting attention : leading-edge lessons for publicity and marketing 44964187 34020
Getting interviews 44957681 25078
Getting started in 401(k) investing 45731755 26195
Getting started in sales consulting 45731890 26201
Getting started in technical analysis 45731957 26204
Ghana : gender analysis and policymaking for development 44965621 26661
Gigahertz and terahertz technologies for broadband communications 45730861 40312
Gila monster : facts and folklore of America's Aztec lizard 43475952 12474
Gilles Deleuze and the ruin of representation 45733815 41720
Giraffes and their babies 44963488 19958
Give and take : a candid account of corporate philanthropy 44959193 35087
Glasgow : the forming of the city 43476328 9636
Glass plates & wagon ruts : images of the Southwest by Lisle Updike and William Pennington 42922406 5141
Glen Canyon : an archaeological summary 44963944 10439
Global codes of conduct : an idea whose time has come 45731342 47586
Global distributed applications with Windows DNA 45731034 40329
Global economic prospects and the developing countries 2000. 44954192 26703
Global electronic commerce : theory and case studies 44960497 27234
Global environmental diplomacy : negotiating environment agreements for the World, 1973-1992 42856275 9297
Global financial turmoil and reform : a United Nations perspective 44962357 21015
Global media economics : commercialization, concentration, and integration of world media markets 44956289 19295
Global science & technology information : a new spin on access 44964418 20507
Globalization and history : the evolution of a nineteenth-century Atlantic economy 42856025 9332
Globalization and the world of large cities 44962430 21021
Gnarl! : stories 44962643 38457
Gnosis and hermeticism from antiquity to modern times 42854800 5763
GNU Emacs pocket reference 44957982 24632
Go figure! : mathematics through sports 44955193 21794
God and the land : the metaphysics of farming in Hesiod and Vergil 44959560 23565
God versus Caesar : belief, worship, and proselytizing under the First Amendment 42856167 5648
God, the gift, and postmodernism 44963729 23151
Godly women : fundamentalism and female power 44961886 17730
God's equation : Einstein, relativity, and the expanding universe 45732723 23474
Gods of the city : religion and the American urban landscape 44963759 23152
Goethe and Schubert : the unseen bond 45731349 28569
Goethe. Vol. 1, The poetry of desire (1749-1790) : the poet and the age 45727765 19234
Goethe's way of science : a phenomenology of nature 42636911 7979
Goin' railroading : two generations of Colorado stories 42330994 5142
Going wild : hunting, animal rights, and the contested meaning of nature 45733944 39043
Goldilocks on management : 27 revisionist fairy tales for serious managers 42855068 8544
Good enough isn't enough-- : nine challenges for companies that choose to be great 44963529 19115
Good old Coney Island : a sentimental journey into the past : the most rambunctious, scandalous, rapscallion, splendiferous, pugnacious, spectacular, illustrious, prodigious, frolicsome island on earth 44965117 21125
Good practice in working with violence 44964563 13212
Good schools/real schools : why school reform doesn't last 44955258 34543
Gorillas and their babies 44963851 19970
Got money? : enjoy it! manage it! even save some of it! : financial advice for your twenties and thirties 42922454 8548
Governing molecules : the discursive politics of genetic engineering in Europe and the United States 42855913 9307
Grady baby : a year in the life of Atlanta's Grady Hospital 44964504 28901
Grandmother, Grandfather, and Old Wolf : tamánwit ku súkat and traditional Native American narratives from the Columbia Plateau 44959475 22849
Graphical models for machine learning and digital communication  42854253 395
Grass roots and glass ceilings : African American administrators in predominantly white colleges and universities 42856164 5645
Grass-roots reconstruction in Texas, 1865-1880 45843680 45704
Great jobs for anthropology majors 44954666 23986
Great jobs for biology majors 42855452 8816
Great jobs for chemistry majors 42855455 8818
Great jobs for geology majors 44954697 23987
Great jobs for math majors 42855466 8826
Great jobs for political science majors 43475278 8828
Great women in the sport of kings : America's top women jockeys tell their stories 45728931 33739
Greek folk religion 44954113 17381
Green afternoons : Oregon gardens to visit 44960547 26026
Green ink : an introduction to environmental journalism 43476723 10433
Greening industry : new roles for communities, markets, and governments. 44955385 26759
Greening the ivory tower : improving the environmental track record of universities, colleges and other institutions 44964299 24383
Greenlanders, whales, and whaling : sustainability and self-determination in the Arctic 45731120 34317
Greg Maddux : master on the mound 44965776 32350
Groping for ethics in journalism 44955239 19262
Groundwater : legal and policy perspectives : proceedings of a World Bank seminar 44954368 26711
Groundwater recharge with reclaimed water : birth outcomes in Los Angeles County, 1982-1993 44964889 20522
Group psychotherapy of the psychoses : concepts, interventions and contexts 44964370 13206
Group relations, management, and organization 44957754 18312
Growing up green : education for ecological renewal 42330326 4972
Growing up in Scotland : an anthology 42922622 9722
Growth 44961359 9252
Growth. Vol. 1, Econometric general equilibrium modeling 44957945 420
Guaranteed income for life : how variable annuities can cut your taxes, pay you every year of your life, and bring you financial peace of mind 42636854 6976
Guide d'identification du phytoplancton marin de l'estuaire et du golfe du Saint-Laurent 44961813 9273
Guide dogs : seeing for people who can't 44965942 20040
Guide to purchasing electricity and gas 44960343 14568
Guided with a steady hand : the cultural landscape of a rural Texas park 43476190 10515
Guides for an age of confusion : studies in the thinking of Avraham Y. Kook and Mordecai M. Kaplan 44962883 16272
Guy Mannering 43477352 9741
Habermas on law and democracy : critical exchanges 42856032 6824
Hair : its power and meaning in Asian cultures 44959864 5490
Haldane's best cover letters for professionals 44956817 24065
Haldane's best resumes for professionals 44956863 24066
Hallucinogens 44961878 19517
Handbook of applied dog behavior and training. Vol. 1, Adaptation and learning 44955341 19267
Handbook of college reading and study strategy research 45734057 24267
Handbook of communication and people with disabilities : research and application 44963953 24366
Handbook of cross-cultural and multicultural personality assessment 45728103 19327
Handbook of food preservation 44960506 12856
Handbook of gender, culture, and health 45728180 19334
Handbook of language & ethnic identity 44959723 23580
Handbook of pest management 44958328 12778
Handbook of research design in mathematics and science education 45728403 19353
Handbook of science communication 45728757 27499
Handbook of systems engineering and management 45732059 26210
Hangin' out and havin' fun : a girl's guide to cool stuff to do 44961216 22917
Hard truths : uncovering the deep structure of schooling 44955218 34536
Hardaway revisited : early archaic settlement in the Southeast 44958019 20255
Harmonizing Europe : nation-states within the Common Market 42856435 5649
Harvard business review on business and the environment. 44959112 35083
Harvard business review on change. 43803077 17087
Harvard business review on corporate governance. 44955817 26847
Harvard business review on corporate strategy. 43802759 17088
Harvard business review on crisis management. 45727360 26848
Harvard business review on effective communication. 43802817 17089
Harvard business review on entrepreneurship. 45727409 26849
Harvard business review on leadership. 43802793 17090
Harvard business review on managing high-tech industries. 43802865 17092
Harvard business review on managing people. 43802890 17093
Harvard business review on managing the value chain. 44955863 26850
Harvard business review on managing uncertainty. 43802929 17094
Harvard business review on negotiation and conflict resolution. 44955914 26851
Harvard business review on nonprofits. 44958315 17095
Harvard business review on strategies for growth. 43803143 17096
Harvard business review on the business value of IT. 43803030 17086
Hate crime : the global politics of polarization 42854405 2319
Haudenosaunee : portraits of the firekeepers, the Onondaga Nation 45730767 33857
Haunted children : rethinking medication of common psychological disorders 42855346 5542
Hawthorne and women : engendering and expanding the Hawthorne tradition 45729966 44964
Hawthorne's Fuller mystery 43475565 13890
Hazardous wastes in rural America : impacts, implications, and options for rural communities 44965895 18636
Health expenditures, services, and outcomes in Africa : basic data and cross-national comparisons, 1990-1996 44964956 26627
Health work with the poor : a practical guide 45728485 39977
Healthcare finance : an introduction to accounting and financial management 43475245 9175
Healthcare information systems : challenges of the new millennium 45728906 43380
Heart of darkness 44964622 34066
Heavy water and the wartime race for nuclear energy 45728821 27504
Hebrews between cultures : group portraits and national literature 45729412 23154
Hedonistic utilitarianism 42922478 9754
Hegel : the logic of self-consciousness and the legacy of subjective freedom 44965017 9757
Hegel and aesthetics 45727689 44122
Hegel and Marx : the concept of need 43475770 9210
Hegel's phenomenology of self-consciousness : text and commentary 44960324 5643
Hegel's transcendental induction 42855141 5441
Help desk. Participant's guide : supporting the customer 45733905 19019
Helpers at birds' nests : a worldwide survey of cooperative breeding and related behavior 45729938 22152
Hemostasis and thrombosis protocols 45729923 28042
Henry James's The portrait of a lady 44962833 38568
Henry William Bigler : soldier, gold miner, missionary, chronicler, 1815-1900 42329287 2146
Her Majesty's Texans : two English immigrants in Reconstruction Texas 44954047 18198
Heralds of revolution : Russian students and the mythologies of radicalism 44960906 23623
Herbal medicine, healing & cancer : a comprehensive program for prevention and treatment 43476515 11812
Herbs for a healthy pregnancy 44954010 23962
Herbs for first aid : simple home remedies for minor ailments and injuries 44962506 20451
Heretics in the temple : Americans who reject the Nation's legal faith 42854093 1322
Heritage and hellenism : the reinvention of Jewish tradition 42922650 9400
Heritage, the arts and the environment : pricing the priceless. 43476413 9537
Herman Melville 44964315 38613
Hidden in God : essays and talks on St. Jane Frances de Chantal  45729222 40078
High in Utah : a hiking guide to the tallest peak in each of the state's twenty-nine counties 43475976 12480
High John the conqueror 42330269 5116
High performance sales organizations : achieving competitive advantage in the global marketplace 44955527 24019
High technology and low-income communities : prospects for the positive use of advanced information technology 42922314 402
High-definition television : a global perspective 44956205 19293
High-frequency financial market data : sources, applications and market microstructure 45733568 16868
High-level motion processing : computational, neurobiological, and psychophysical perspectives 42856092 9379
High-speed wireless ATM and LANs 45731000 40328
High-tech betrayal : working and organizing on the shop floor 44958108 22799
Hinduism : a very short introduction 44963520 12326
Hippocrates assailed : the American health delivery system 44963150 18530
Hiring : how to find and keep the best people 44958100 25094
Hiring great people 42855809 6978
Hiring made easy 43803148 13387
Hispanics in the United States : an agenda for the twenty-first century 45730671 49979
Historical and geographical influences on psychopathology 44956862 19321
Historical destiny and national socialism in Heidegger's "Being and time" 44954071 19216
Historical dictionary of Australia 44958327 24143
Historical dictionary of Azerbaijan 44958365 24144
Historical dictionary of Democratic Republic of the Congo (Zaire) 42922692 10722
Historical dictionary of Kenya 45729612 24581
Historical dictionary of Nigeria 44962715 38462
Historical dictionary of Pakistan 44958990 24165
Historical dictionary of South Africa 44962898 23107
Historical dictionary of Taiwan (Republic of China) 44959245 24173
Historical linguistics : an introduction 45733756 9590
History & truth in Hegel's Phenomenology 44963841 23155
History and memory in the two souths : recent Southern and Spanish American fiction 43477168 16092
History of ancient Egypt : an introduction 44963617 9550
History of the Choctaw, Chickasaw, and Natchez Indians 44955493 15854
History, power, ideology : central issues in Marxism and anthropology 43476611 11692
Hitchcock's bi-textuality : Lacan, feminisms, and queer theory 42628664 5438
HIV homecare handbook 44955457 25604
Holding the center : memoirs of a life in higher education 43475390 9387
Hollywood diva : a biography of Jeanette MacDonald 45733776 42148
Hollywood fictions : the dream factory in American popular literature 45732246 28989
Hollywood planet : global media and the competitive advantage of narrative transparency 45728696 19395
Holy women of the Syrian Orient 44962559 13055
Holy writ as oral lit : the Bible as folklore 44963913 18557
Home away from home : a history of Basque boardinghouses 45731708 28138
Home front soldier : the story of a G.I. and his Italian-American family during World War II 42855868 5614
Homelessness : whose problem is it? 44963699 28773
Honor in the House : Speaker Tom Foley 44953784 21746
Hope : an international human becoming perspective 44956805 25757
Hope for our time : key trends in the thought of Martin Buber 42636952 5632
Hormone replacement therapy : conventional medicine and natural alternatives, your guide to menopausal health-care choices 44954175 23970
Horses past and present 44956002 20175
Horton Foote and the theater of intimacy 45733279 42610
Host-plant selection by phytophagous insects 45730122 34613
Hotel Malabar : a narrative poem 44961653 22004
Housing and community development in New York City : facing the future 42856138 5602
How America fought its wars : military strategy from the American Revolution to the Civil War 44965888 14783
How children learn the meanings of words 44957047 32638
How do they know you care? : the principal's challenge 44955297 34550
How does Congress approach population and family planning issues? : results of qualitative interviews with legislative directors 44964298 20503
How France votes 45731062 35207
How much do national borders matter? 44965650 23941
How scholars trumped teachers : change without reform in university curriculum, teaching, and research, 1890-1990 45728255 34537
How to attain your HRMS vision 44960447 16136
How to be a sector investor : essential guides to today's most popular investment strategies 44955557 24020
How to be a small-cap investor : essential guides to today's most popular investment strategies 44955602 24021
How to be a value investor : essential guides to today's most popular investment strategies 45731994 24022
How to build a Beowulf : a guide to the implementation and application of PC clusters 42856209 9245
How to defend humane ideals : substitutes for objectivity 45730640 49976
How to develop your child's gifts and talents during the elementary years 43802846 13440
How to form your own "S" corporation and avoid double taxation 45729063 23711
How to get into the right business school 43802738 8836
How to get into the right dental school 42855478 8837
How to get started in electronic day trading : everything you need to know to play Wall Street's hottest game! 42417801 6938
How to listen to modern music without earplugs : the average music lover's guide to serious music of the 20th century 45730605 16097
How to make money scriptwriting 44957122 41342
How to manage conflict : turn all conflicts into win-win outcomes 44958275 25100
How to read a financial report : wringing vital signs out of the numbers 45732189 26216
How to resolve conflicts at work 42922331 5170
How to run successful high-tech project-based organizations 45731928 40405
How to save your company big $$$ in small ways : true stories of real companies 45732214 26217
How to solve word problems in algebra : a solved problem approach 45727253 12886
How to stay young and healthy in a toxic world 44962615 20454
How to talk to teens about really important things : specific questions and answers and useful things to say 45729112 26061
How Wall Street works 44955639 24023
How you play the game : lessons for life from the billion-dollar business of sports 42330773 5163
Howard Aiken : portrait of a computer pioneer 44962601 9344
HTML 4 unleashed 44963547 7237
Human centered methods in information systems : current research and practice 45731441 42456
Human differences 44960848 24232
Human settlements and planning for ecological sustainability : the case of Mexico City 42854194 1357
Human-computer interaction. Vol. 1, Ergonomics and user interfaces : proceedings of HCI International '99 (the 8th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction), Munich, Germany, August 22-26, 1999 45733840 24244
Human-computer interaction. Vol. 2, Communication, cooperation and application design : proceedings of HCI International '99 (the 8th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction), Munich, Germany, August 22-26, 1999 45733797 24243
Hydrocephalus : a guide for patients, families, and friends 44959805 24192
Hypertext : theory into practice 44960699 20887
Hypocrisy and integrity : Machiavelli, Rousseau, and the ethics of politics 45730265 35164
I am a Latter-Day Saint (Mormon) 44961042 19872
I am a Rastafarian 44961007 19871
I am Baptist 44964706 19998
I am Lutheran 44964077 19978
I am Quaker 44964106 19979
I begin my life all over : the Hmong and the American immigrant experience 45730043 44241
I live at a military post 44955013 20140
I live in a city 44954877 20136
I live in a town 44954978 20139
I live in the mountains 44955048 20141
I live on a farm 44954912 20137
I live on an island 44954944 20138
I wonder what it's like to be a bee 44955410 20154
I wonder what it's like to be a butterfly 44955514 20157
I wonder what it's like to be a grasshopper 44955576 20159
I wonder what it's like to be a spider 44955481 20156
I wonder what it's like to be an ant 44955446 20155
I wonder what it's like to be an earthworm 44955549 20158
I, the song : classical poetry of native North America 44965824 12505
Ibn àrabi in the later Islamic tradition : the making of a polemical image in medieval Islam 43475241 5599
Ice Age people of North America 44960246 26012
Ichthyosaurus and little Mary Anning 44963593 19961
Ideas in action : political tradition in the twentieth century 44955652 18712
Identity is destiny : leadership and the roots of value creation 45729916 43786
Identity, insecurity and image : France and language 44961967 16740
If it's broken, you can fix it : overcoming dysfunction in the workplace 42329368 2039
If you're clueless about buying a home and want to know more 45729097 23716
Iguanodon and Dr. Gideon Mantell 44963706 19964
Ike's spies : Eisenhower and the espionage establishment 44954589 24964
Illusions of equality : deaf Americans in school and factory, 1850-1950 44958139 12048
Imagery 42922506 10187
Images and relics : theological perceptions and visual images in sixteenth-century Europe 45727943 23634
Images of intolerance : the representation of Jews and Judaism in the Bible moralisée 44957389 21267
Images of the U.S. around the world : a multicultural perspective 42636636 5583
Imaginary numbers : an anthology of marvelous mathematical stories, diversions, poems, and musings 45732314 26220
Imagining curriculum : practical intelligence in teaching 45728874 34556
Immigrant subjectivities in Asian American and Asian diaspora literatures 42628668 5533
Immunocytochemical methods and protocols 44956609 28020
Immunotherapy in asthma 44959503 12822
Impact analysis : how research can enter application and make a difference 44961812 24277
Impartiality, neutrality and justice : re-reading Brian Barry's Justice as impartiality 42922612 9188
Imperfect equality : African Americans and the confines of white racial attitudes in post-emancipation Maryland 44963967 16307
Imperial bedlam : institutions of madness in colonial southwest Nigeria 44960013 21343
Imperial benevolence : making British authority in the Pacific Islands 44954997 39146
Implementing health sector reform in Central Asia : papers from a health policy seminar held in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan in June, 1996 44953856 26694
Implementing standards-based mathematics instruction : a casebook for professional development 45728841 34555
Implementing virtual private networks 45730322 12998
Implementing your strategic plan : how to turn "intent" into effective action for sustainable change 42330529 2011
Importing diversity : inside Japan's JET Program 45728195 42271
Impossibility : the limits of science and the science of limits 43476755 12401
Improving statistical reasoning : theoretical models and practical implications 44959368 19424
Improving the Army planning, programming, budgeting, and execution system (PPBES) : the programming phase 44963793 20490
In a cold crater : cultural and intellectual life in Berlin, 1945-1948 44959846 32793
In bad taste : the MSG symptom complex : how monosodium glutamate is a major cause of treatable and preventable illnesses, such as headaches, asthma, epilepsy, heart irregularities, depression, rage reactions, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder 44959929 33695
In control : learning to say no to sexual pressure 44964934 19616
In critical condition : polemical essays on cognitive science and the philosophy of mind 42856056 9348
In Jewish Texas : a family memoir 42922430 5102
In nature's interests? : interests, animal rights, and environmental ethics 44958923 23539
In pursuit of the White House 2000 : how we choose our presidential nominees 44961089 35264
In search of Donna Reed 44961621 22003
In search of god the mother : the cult of Anatolian Cybele 43477206 13113
In search of personal welfare : a view of ancient Chinese religion 42855834 5451
In the beginning : the Navajo genesis 44963097 9444
In the eyes of the dragon : China views the world 44965838 18634
In the face of suffering : the philosophical-anthropological foundations of clinical ethics 45732175 16502
In the house of the law : gender and Islamic law in Ottoman Syria and Palestine 44961374 21389
In the name of the Father : the rhetoric of the new Southern Baptist Convention 43476500 11643
In the wake of the giant : multinational restructuring and uneven development in a New England community 42628677 5521
In the words of great business leaders 45732352 26222
In those days : a diplomat remembers 44956952 28066
Inattentional blindness 42854122 1439
Inclusive education : a casebook and readings for prospective and practicing teachers 45728909 19448
Income distribution and high-quality growth 44964155 11385
Income inequality in America : an analysis of trends 42854302 1611
Increasing a sense of community in the military : the role of personnel support programs 45730841 20466
India 44958286 10131
Indian gaming : tribal sovereignty and American politics 44957489 32661
Indian music and the West : Gerry Farrell. 44962298 27496
Indian philosophy : an introduction to Hindu and budhist thought 44963873 9578
Indian rhinos and their babies 44963672 19963
Indian traffic : identities in question in colonial and postcolonial India 42922472 10095
Indigenous community-based education 44962032 16742
Indigenous theories of contagious disease 44963099 24325
Indoor air quality case studies reference guide 44960477 14573
Industrial nation : work, culture and society in Scotland, 1800-present 44964613 9669
Industrial policy in Britain, 1945-1951 : economic planning, nationalisation, and the Labour governments 42330245 2388
Industrializing knowledge : university-industry linkages in Japan and the United States 44957519 17055
Infections and inequalities : the modern plagues 45729030 42313
Infinite wealth : a new world of collaboration and abundance in the knowledge era 45727294 34025
Inflation, unemployment, and monetary policy 42922461 9334
Infogirl : a girl's guide to the Internet 44953855 20067
Information ecologies : using technology with heart 44957468 10762
Information hiding techniques for steganography and digital watermarking 45730960 40326
Information systems for government fiscal management 44964687 26612
Information technology and computer applications in public administration 45730905 42420
Information technology diffusion in the Asia Pacific : perspectives on policy, electronic commerce and education 45730933 42426
Information technology standards and standardization : a global perspective 45731355 42452
Inner excellence at work : the path to meaning, spirit, and success 44963565 19116
Innocents on the ice : a memoir of Antarctic exploration, 1957 42331040 5144
Innovations in computerized assessment 44957070 19330
Innovations in science and mathematics education : advanced designs for technologies of learning 45728325 19346
Innovative management in the DARPA high altitude endurance unmanned aerial vehicle program : phase II experience 44964112 20498
Inside city schools : investigating literacy in multicultural classrooms 45728073 34527
Inside Home Depot : how one company revolutionized an industry through the relentless pursuit of growth 42330929 6943
Inside Lincoln's White House : the complete Civil War diary of John Hay 44954715 11589
Inside out : the radical transformation of Russian foreign trade, 1992-1996 44963354 16287
Inside pharmacy : the anatomy of a profession 44964167 23811
Inside the Nuremberg Trial : a prosecutor's comprehensive account 44963628 24345
Inside the Olympic industry : power, politics, and activism 45733031 44027
Insider/outsider : American Jews and multiculturalism 42417785 6882
Insights of genius : imagery and creativity in science and art 45734096 39861
Insolvency in private international law : national and international approaches 44958027 18323
Integrating biodiversity in agricultural intensification : toward sound practices 44964078 26578
Integrating service learning and multicultural education in colleges and universities 45730611 45054
Integrin protocols 45729241 28013
Integrity with two eyes : an insider's slant on the moral climate of government 44963484 18540
Intellectual property rights and economic development 45728879 34188
Intellectual property rights in agriculture : the World Bank's role in assisting borrower and member countries 44965360 26649
Intelligent transportation systems architectures 45732243 40420
Intensifying action against HIV/AIDS in Africa : responding to a development crisis. 44962426 26486
Intergenerational programs : support for children, youth, and elders in Japan 42855150 5460
Intermediate statistics : a modern approach 45733984 24255
Intermountain archaeology 44965421 21137
Internal affairs : the abuse of power, sexual harassment, and hypocrisy in the workplace 44955670 24024
Internal credit risk models : capital allocation and performance measurement 45733543 16867
Internal modelling & CAD II : qualifying and quantifying risk within a financial institution. 45733320 16861
International business ethics : challenges and approaches 45729283 47368
International business etiquette. Asia & the Pacific Rim : what you need to know to conduct business abroad with charm and savvy 44958407 25107
International business etiquette. Europe : what you need to know to conduct business abroad with charm and savvy 44958447 25108
International business etiquette. Latin America : what you need to know to conduct business abroad with charm and savvy 44958483 25109
International security management and the United Nations 44962323 21014
Internet and intranet security management : risks and solutions 45731555 42459
Internet core protocols : the definitive guide 44956541 24585
Internet jobs! : the complete guide to finding the hottest Internet jobs 44955707 24025
Internet-based organizational memory and knowledge management 45731512 42458
Interpreting Neville 42636708 5656
Interracial justice : conflict and reconciliation in post-civil rights America 42854260 1480
Intervention : confronting a loved one who uses drugs 44957719 27007
Intervention : the use of American military force in the post-Cold War world 45843815 46890
Interventions and provocations : conversations on art, culture, and resistance 42855079 7935
Interviewing and salary negotiation : for job hunters, career changers, consultants, and freelancers 44958522 25110
Intimate commerce : exchange, gender, and subjectivity in Greek tragedy 44959691 33667
Intimate selving in Arab families : gender, self, and identity 45728792 33734
Intrapreneuring in action : a handbook for business innovation 45728381 41429
Intrinsic motivation at work : building energy & commitment 44957177 41423
Introduction to chaos : physics and mathematics of chaotic phenomena 45728508 27485
Introduction to CMOS OP-AMPs and comparators 45732504 26230
Introduction to information-based high-tech services 45732280 40422
Introduction to mobile communications engineering 45843166 40404
Introduction to primary health care in urban communities 45731517 25707
Introduction to telecommunications : participant's guide. 45733928 19027
Inventing southern literature 42329861 4683
Inventing the Internet 44962566 9343
Investing in biodiversity : a review of Indonesia's Integrated Conservation and Development Projects 44964793 26617
Investing in health : development effectiveness in the health, nutrition, and population sector 44964356 26593
Investing in innovation : creating a research and innovation policy that works 42328835 1448
Investment intelligence from insider trading 42856078 9367
Investments. Vol. 1, Portfolio theory and asset pricing 44961391 9253
Investments. Vol. 2, Securities prices and performance 44961212 9235
Iowa precinct caucuses : the making of a media event 44956123 19290
IP convergence : the next revolution in telecommunications 45843153 40323
IP multicasting : concepts and applications 42417396 1878
IP switching : protocols and architectures 42330513 1891
IP telephony 45730413 13033
Irish folk history : tales from the north 44963542 17264
Irvine's writing about music 45733084 45715
Irving Howe : socialist, critic, Jew 44963878 23160
Is Japan really changing its ways? : regulatory reform and the Japanese economy 42330318 4957
Is science multicultural? : postcolonialisms, feminisms, and epistemologies 42854606 1163
Is there a duty to die 44956717 28045
Isabella Lucy Bird's "A lady's life in the Rocky Mountains" : an annotated text 44958605 15496
Islam : origin and belief 44959857 33679
Isolated experiences : Gilles Deleuze and the solitudes of reversed Platonism 42855039 5454
Israel and the bomb 42330721 4843
Israel, Jordan, and the peace process 45729073 33743
Issues and agents in international political economy 43476088 9308
Issues in privatizing Social Security : report of an expert panel of the National Academy of Social Insurance 42922524 9309
Issues raised during the Army after next spring wargame 44963591 20485
Issues unresolved : new perspectives on language and deaf education 43476408 12049
IT in developing countries : an assessment and practical guideline  45727724 42251
It is union and liberty : Alabama coal miners and the UMW 45727910 39937
IT manager's guide to virtual private networks 44955526 13518
It's not magic : the rebirth of a small manufacturing company 44958144 22800
It's okay to say no : choosing sexual abstinence 44965214 19625
Ivanhoe 43475773 9216
iWarp : anatomy of a parallel computing system 42854587 410
J.D. Salinger 44963686 38595
Jack Kerouac's Duluoz legend : the mythic form of an autobiographical fiction 43475994 11596
Jack Welch and the GE way : management insights and leadership secrets of the legendary CEO 42417806 6945
Jacques Copeau : biography of a theater 44955005 11645
Jaguars 44961978 19905
Jåivanmukti in transformation : embodied liberation in Advaita and neo-Vedanta 42855732 5552
James Joyce's A portrait of the artist as a young man 44963005 38572
James Joyce's Judaic other 42855429 6687
Jan Morris 44957998 27047
Jane Austen 44964282 38612
Jane Austen : illusion and reality 44957005 16562
Japanese children abroad : cultural, educational, and language issues 44962188 16747
Japanese culture 45728338 39149
Japanese mandalas : representations of sacred geography 45843051 39251
Japanese origami : paper magic 44963218 19950
Japan--why it works, why it doesn't : economics in everyday life 44955449 39229
Java distributed objects  44953713 8143
Java enterprise in a nutshell : a desktop quick reference 44964891 24421
Jerks at work : how to deal with people problems and problem people 44958562 25111
Jerusalem, take one! : memoirs of a Jewish filmmaker 45727410 46323
Jewish continuity in America : creative survival in a free society 44963957 21081
Jewish ethics for the twenty-first century : living in the image of God 44960141 33738
Jewish icons : art and society in modern Europe 43475058 9393
Jewish identity in modern art history 45732802 21368
Joan of Arc : the early debate 44957655 16583
John Dewey : rethinking our time 42855966 5390
John Dewey and the challenge of classroom practice 44960018 25956
John Steinbeck 44954043 38696
John Wanamaker : Philadelphia merchant 44966028 14792
Jokes : philosophical thoughts on joking matters 45732986 42103
Josanie's war : a Chiricahua Apache novel 44957884 15467
Joshua Chamberlain : the soldier and the man 44954557 14825
Ju jitsu 44962046 19907
Juan Alvarado, governor of California, 1836-1842 43477083 15866
Judaism and disability : portrayals in ancient texts from the Tanach through the Bavli 43475910 12050
Judicial retirement laws of the fifty states and the District of Columbia 44965682 16390
Judo 44962079 19908
Julian of Norwich : autobiography and theology 44956469 16537
Julian Steward and the Great Basin : the making of an anthropologist 43476280 12503
Jumping the line : the adventures and misadventures of an American radical 44961377 18963
Just say yes! : extreme customer service-- How to give it! How to get it! 44958631 25113
Justin Smith Morrill : father of the land-grant colleges 44958177 22801
Kåolea : the story of the Pacific golden plover 45730273 39304
Karate 44960787 19865
Kate Chopin's private papers 42329404 1039
Keep your kids busy the lazy way 43802853 9138
Keeping literary company : working with writers since the sixties 42855337 5530
Kenneth Burke and the 21st century 42855381 5589
Kenneth Burke and the conversation after philosophy 43476255 11601
Key ideas in psychology 44964086 13197
Khmer American : identity and moral education in a diasporic community 45732193 6923
Kibbutzniks in the diaspora 45732919 44022
Kids during the age of exploration 44962315 19916
Kids during the Great Depression 44962215 19912
Kids during the industrial revolution 44962248 19913
Kids in ancient Egypt 44962281 19915
Kids in ancient Rome 44962182 19911
Killing detente : the right attacks the CIA 44966006 25475
King Arthur in America 44958201 16608
King David's harp : autobiographical essays by Jewish Latin American writers 44960550 22883
King Philip's War : civil war in New England, 1675-1676 45843586 45249
Knock your socks off selling 44961309 16200
Knock your socks off service recovery 44958594 17109
Knowing and teaching elementary mathematics : teachers' understanding of fundamental mathematics in China and the United States 45728472 19372
Knowledge and mind : a philosophical introduction 44957183 32645
Knowledge and power in the global economy : politics and the rhetoric of school reform 44957285 19339
Knowledge engineering and management : the CommonKADS methodology 44954921 21785
Knowledge management and virtual organizations 45731479 42457
Knowledge spaces : theories, empirical research, and applications 45733519 24222
Korean-American relations, 1866-1997 43475236 5591
Kung fu 44962148 19910
La Nouvelle France : the making of French Canada : a cultural history 44957804 22790
Labor market flexibility in thirteen Latin American countries and the United States : revisiting and expanding Okun coefficients 44965256 26645
Labor market reform and job creation : the unfinished agenda in Latin American and Caribbean countries 44964756 26616
Labyrinth : a search for the hidden meaning of science 45728382 48723
Labyrinths of the mind : the self in the postmodern age 42855310 5500
Ladie Borlase's receiptes booke 44965520 22137
Lakota Sioux children and elders talk together 44965234 20016
Land mammals of Oregon 47011896 9480
Land, ecology and resistance in Kenya, 1880-1952 43476373 9583
Landfalls of paradise : cruising guide to the Pacific Islands 45729371 39226
Landmarks in English literature 43477403 9574
Landmarks in European literature 44963808 9575
Language acquisition by eye 44956721 19315
Language and liberation : feminism, philosophy, and language 43475828 5606
Language and limits : resisting reform in English studies 42855147 5458
Language and literacies : selected papers from the annual meeting of the British Association for Applied Linguistics held at the University of Manchester, September 1998 44959766 18888
Language and reality : an introduction to the philosophy of language 45730166 49744
Language and thought : a rational enquiry into their nature and relationship 44960227 20873
Language form and language function 44962638 9356
Language planning in Malawi, Mozambique, and the Philippines 44962670 16761
Language planning in Nepal, Taiwan, and Sweden 45731411 23386
Language policy in schools : a resource for teachers and administrators 44956936 19324
Language processing 44957739 11942
Language teachers, politics, and cultures 44962815 16765
Language, democracy, and devolution in Catalonia 44962873 16767
Language, ethnicity, and education : case studies on immigrant minority groups and immigrant minority languages 44962916 16768
Language, politics, and society : the new languages department : festschrift in honour of Professor D.E. Ager 45729836 41904
Language, thought, and the brain 45731065 39396
Lao-tzu and the Tao-te-ching 42856048 8616
Large-scale organizational change : an executive's guide 44964562 34054
Larkin's blues : jazz, popular music, and poetry 45728872 43378
Last minute estate planning 44958702 25115
Last minute retirement planning 44958821 25119
Last minute weddings 44958866 25120
Late modernism : politics, fiction, and the arts between the world wars 44958423 21296
Late night radio 42922465 9765
Latin American insolvency systems : a comparative assessment 44964722 26613
Latinos unidos : from cultural diversity to the politics of solidarity 44963806 18554
Laughing out loud : writing the comedy-centered screenplay 45728126 42267
Laughs, luck -- and Lucy : how I came to create the most popular sitcom of all time 45730998 33867
Lawman : the life and times of Harry Morse, 1835-1912 43477070 15650
Laws of the landscape : how policies shape cities in Europe and America 42854464 4913
Layered learning in multiagent systems : a winning approach to robotic soccer 44956979 32636
LBJ : a life 45733904 26274
Leader to leader : enduring insights on leadership from the Drucker Foundation's award-winning journal 44960898 26064
Leadership and self-deception : getting out of the box 45730468 41527
Leadership in times of change : a handbook for communication and media administrators 44956783 19317
Leading at the edge : leadership lessons from the  extraordinary saga of Shackleton's Antarctic expedition 44958529 27098
Leading edge business planning for entrepreneurs 44962780 23732
Leading for a change : how to master the 5 challenges faced by every leader 45729794 38758
Leading self-directed work teams : a guide to developing new team leadership skills 45732028 24026
Leading systems : lessons from the Power Lab 45727896 41412
Leading the race : the transformation of the Black elite in the nation's capital, 1880-1920 44957747 17062
Lean logistics : high-velocity logistics infrastructure and the C-5 Galaxy 44962814 20460
Leapfrogging development? : the political economy of telecommunications restructuring 45732804 44013
Learner-directed assessment in ESL 45727274 44639
Learning about assertiveness from the life of Oprah Winfrey 44964547 19993
Learning about charity from the life of Princess Diana 44964588 19994
Learning about courage from the life of Christopher Reeve 44964666 19997
Learning about creativity from the life of Steven Spielberg 44964515 19992
Learning about integrity from the life of Eleanor Roosevelt 44964629 19995
Learning about the work ethic from the life of Cal Ripken, Jr. 44964193 19588
Learning and libraries in an information age : principles and practice 44961366 18460
Learning DCOM 44960247 24212
Learning disabilities : appropriate practices for a diverse population 42855836 5538
Learning English at school : identity, social relations, and classroom practice 45733595 35336
Learning from other women : how to benefit from the knowledge, wisdom, and experience of female mentors 45731607 43909
Learning from school choice 42330987 4959
Learning in adulthood : a comprehensive guide 45729215 26069
Learning Perl/TK. 44960296 24213
Learning Python 44960325 24214
Learning Red Hat Linux 44964957 24424
Legal impediments to effective rural land relations in Eastern Europe and Central Asia : a comparative perspective 44954803 26733
Legal information : how to find it, how to use it 45733015 25844
Legal research using the Internet 44959716 11178
Legal systems in conflict : property and sovereignty in Missouri, 1750-1860 44961411 22925
Legally speaking : contemporary American culture and the law 45730146 44978
Legends of landforms : Native American lore and the geology of the land 44963932 28788
Legislator of the world : writings on codification, law, and education 43476312 12353
Legitimate differences : interpretation in the abortion controversy and other public debates 45729348 42330
Lend me your ear : rhetorical constructions of deafness 43475885 12052
Leonard Warren, American baritone 44962128 28567
Leopards 44961915 19902
Les enfances Godefroi. Vol. 3 ; and, Le retour de Cornumarant 44958255 20261
Let me be free : the Nez Perce tragedy 44964577 15220
Let your life speak : listening for the voice of vocation 45729255 26070
Let's take a field trip to a coral reef 44955694 20164
Let's take a field trip to a tide pool 44955654 20162
Let's take a trip to a beehive 44955609 20160
Let's talk about adoption 44960855 19867
Let's talk about being a good friend 44954580 20129
Let's talk about being overweight 44954663 20131
Let's talk about deafness 44962575 19923
Let's talk about diabetes 44962613 19924
Let's talk about Down syndrome 44962647 19925
Let's talk about dyslexia 44962788 19929
Let's talk about epilepsy 44954617 20130
Let's talk about feeling nervous 44954538 20128
Let's talk about feeling sad 44960714 19863
Let's talk about having a new brother or sister 44960752 19864
Let's talk about head lice 44962751 19928
Let's talk about living with a grandparent 44954461 20126
Let's talk about moving to a new place 44962680 19926
Let's talk about needing extra help at school 44954497 20127
Let's talk about poison ivy 44954841 20135
Let's talk about scratches, scrapes, and bug bites 44954710 20132
Let's talk about sickle cell anemia 44954796 20134
Let's talk about stuttering 44954386 20124
Let's talk about when kids have cancer 44962717 19927
Let's talk about when someone you love is in a nursing home 44962530 19922
Let's talk about when you have to have your tonsils out 44954755 20133
Let's talk about when you have trouble going to sleep 44954426 20125
Let's talk about when your mom or dad is unhappy 44960819 19866
Let's visit the bank 44955111 20145
Let's visit the police station 44955144 20146
Let's visit the post office 44955081 20144
Let's visit the supermarket 44955176 20147
Letters from freedom : post-cold war realities and perspectives 44958235 21291
Letters from Robben Island : a selection of Ahmed Kathrada's prison correspondence, 1964-1989 44957767 22789
Leviathan 44963264 12309
Liberalization of Russian foreign trade : problems and prospects 44965220 21128
Licensing entertainment : the elevation of novel reading in Britain, 1684-1750 44961756 21400
Life by design : making wise choices in a mixed-up world 44955750 24027
Life on wheels : for the active wheelchair user 44959845 24193
Life without disease : the pursuit of medical utopia 42417446 4621
Life work : putting your spirit online 44964388 34036
Life-span perspectives on health and illness 44961920 24281
Lift every voice : African American oratory, 1787-1900 44956025 13536
Lige Langston : sweet iron 44961851 15615
Lightning in a bottle : proven lessons for leading change 44962820 23734
Lily Pons : a centennial portrait 44962052 28564
Limited by design : R&D laboratories in the U.S. national innovation system 42330711 4772
Limiting government : an introduction to constitutionalism 43475182 8787
Lincoln's journalist : John Hay's anonymous writings for the press, 1860-1864 44959277 18863
Linux programming by example 45842920 38524
Lions 44961883 19901
Liposomes : rational design 44959574 12824
Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry 44954171 12603
Listen to your instincts 44962384 19918
Listening for God : religion and moral discernment 44965242 16373
Listening to conflict : finding constructive solutions to workplace disputes 42922413 5168
Listening to the sea : the politics of improving environmental protection 42854814 5850
Literacy and bilingualism : a handbook for all teachers 45727739 24362
Literacy for sustainable development in the age of information 44963185 16776
Literacy with an attitude : educating working-class children in their own self-interest 45731864 43927
Literary theories : a reader and guide 47011906 9591
Literature and the visual arts in ancient Greece and Rome 44960162 25997
Literature of the romantic period : a bibliographical guide 44954608 19236
Lithium : what you should know 44956957 20211
Lithium niobate crystals : physico-chemical aspects of technology 44963425 18030
Lithuania : the rebirth of a nation, 1991-1994 44963045 18527
Liturgy, politics, and salvation : the Catholic League in Paris and the nature of Catholic reform, 1540-1630 44954101 24928
Live from the trenches : the changing role of the television news correspondent 43476463 11630
Living in two cities : Augustinian trajectories in political thought 42329394 685
Living pictures : the origins of the movies 42636554 5497
Living with food allergies : a complete guide to a healthy lifestyle 44965008 20526
Living without philosophy : on narrative, rhetoric, and morality 42855542 5522
Lobbying for higher education : how colleges and universities influence federal policy 44959591 16096
Local economic development : a geographical comparison of rural community restructuring 44962395 21020
Locke 43476794 12420
Lost subjects, contested objects : toward a psychoanalytic inquiry of learning 42856430 5479
Louisiana during World War II : politics and society, 1939-1945 45731999 42498
Louisiana in the age of Jackson : a clash of cultures and personalities 45728321 44146
Love+marriage=death : and other essays on representing difference 42922433 6658
Low molecular weight heparin therapy : an evaluation of clinical trials evidence 45730815 12128
Lu Xun and evolution 42855835 5462
Lubavitcher women in America : identity and activism in the postwar era 42856490 5515
Luminous debris : reflecting on vestige in Provence and Languedoc 45730290 41925
Lung biology in health and disease. Vol. 126, Pediatric asthma 44960812 12868
Lung biology in health and disease. Vol. 133, Regulation of sleep and circadian rhythms 44959537 12823
Machiavelli 43476814 12431
Machiavelli redeemed : retrieving his humanist perspectives on equality, power, and glory 44964985 23880
Macroeconomic essentials : understanding economics in the news 44957299 32648
Mad to be saved : the Beats, the '50s, and film 42329469 2304
Mad travelers : reflections on the reality of transient mental illnesses 44957822 17064
Mad wives and Island dreams : Shimao Toshio and the margins of Japanese literature 45728023 39131
Maine coon cats 44956132 20180
Mainstreaming gender and development in the World Bank : progress and recommendations 44964047 26577
Major film directors of the American and British cinema 44965332 23896
Make the right career move 43803260 13410
Make your web site work for you : how to convert your online content into profits 44955819 24029
Makin' numbers : Howard Aiken and the computer 43476628 9255
Making a real killing : Rocky Flats and the nuclear West 44959747 22856
Making microchips : policy, globalization, and economic restructuring in the semiconductor industry 42854101 1348
Making peace prevail : preventing violent conflict in Macedonia 45730798 33858
Making the transition work for women in Europe and Central Asia 44965933 26683
Making universal service policy : enhancing the process through multidisciplinary evaluation 44956755 19316
Mammals of the Pacific Northwest : from the coast to the high Cascades 44960382 26021
Managed professionals : unionized faculty and restructuring academic labor 42856107 7929
Management  of water resources : bulk water pricing in Brazil 44964927 26626
Management of Latin American river basins : Amazon, Plata, and Säao Francisco 44962288 21013
Managing across borders : the transnational solution 44958601 35053
Managing by measuring : how to improve your organization's performance through effective benchmarking 42329059 1918
Managing disaster risk in Mexico : Market Incentives for Mitigation Investment 44965294 26646
Managing dynamic IP networks 45728769 23086
Managing energy price risks 45733468 16865
Managing healthcare compliance 42855386 9160
Managing healthcare information systems with Web-enabled technologies 45731386 42454
Managing in the new economy 44956032 26855
Managing integrated delivery systems : a framework for action 42855388 9161
Managing Microsoft Exchange server 45729871 24640
Managing multiple bosses : how to juggle priorities, personalities & projects, and make it look easy 42330267 4979
Managing relationships : making a life while making a living 44960844 18936
Managing stress : principles and strategies for health and wellbeing 44957406 25788
Managing technological change : strategies for college and university leaders 44961010 26072
Managing up! : 59 ways to build a career-advancing relationship with your boss 45731750 43914
Managing web-enabled technologies in organizations : a global perspective 45731285 42450
Managing Windows NT logons 45729694 24589
Managing your own learning 45728070 41075
Manchurian legacy : memoirs of a Japanese colonist 44958037 22797
Mangas Coloradas, chief of the Chiricahua Apaches 44964322 15708
Many pretty toys 44960254 5617
Maple sugar festivals : tapping for sap 44961504 19885
Mapping the Godzone : a primer on New Zealand literature and culture 44955095 39175
Mapping time : the calendar and its history 43477261 12400
Mardi Gras : a city's masked parade 44961539 19886
Margaret Mead and Ruth Benedict : the kinship of women 45843549 44957
Marijuana 44960797 19475
Mario Lanza : tenor in exile 44961979 28562
Mark Twain 44953739 38687
Mark Twain 44964728 38628
Market leadership strategies for service companies : creating growth, profits, and customer loyalty 43475985 11917
Marketing a country : promotion as a tool for attracting foreign investment 44965250 34194
Marketing in Japan 44963956 34009
Marketing telecommunications services : new approaches for a changing environment 45843164 40401
Marketing the menacing fetus in Japan 44963248 9507
Markets of one : creating customer-unique value through mass customization 44955744 26844
Martha Mitchell of Possum Walk Road : Texas quiltmaker 44963263 10392
Marxism for our times : C.L.R. James on revolutionary organization 44954790 24972
Marxist modern : an ethnographic history of the Ethiopian revolution 44965566 19192
Masocriticism 42855383 5595
Mass media education in transition : preparing for the 21st century 44964191 24375
Massacre at Cheyenne Hole : Lieutenant Austin Henely and the Sappa Creek controversy 42855407 9179
Massacre in the Pampas, 1872 : Britain and Argentina in the age of migration 44954893 15833
Masses in flight : the global crisis of internal displacement 42330200 4960
Mastering virtual teams : strategies, tools, and techniques that succeed 44961051 26073
Material meanings : critical approaches to the interpretation of material culture 43476419 13187
Mathematical handbook of formulas and tables 45727751 12910
Mathematical models in medical and health science 43476717 11150
Mathematics classrooms that promote understanding 44957212 19337
Mathematics for the curious 44963592 12331
Matter and consciousness : a contemporary introduction to the philosophy of mind 45727944 48565
Mayan weaving : a living tradition 44961673 19890
Maynard Keynes : an economist's biography 45732845 40552
Mayo Clinic on arthritis 45729999 24672
Mayo Clinic on chronic pain 45730076 24674
Mayo Clinic on high blood pressure 45730034 24673
Mayo Clinic on prostate health 45730114 24675
Mean streets and raging bulls : the legacy of film noir in contemporary American cinema 44956093 18730
Meandering in medical physics : a personal account of hospital physics 45728445 27483
Meaning in technology 42922536 9311
Measuring information technology investment payoff : contemporary approaches 45731004 42429
Measuring the flow of time : the works of James A. Ford, 1935-1941 45843125 39888
Measuring the intentional world : realism, naturalism, and quantitative methods in the behavioral sciences 45733699 23549
Mechanochemistry of materials 45730893 18054
Media entertainment : the psychology of its appeal 45727441 44652
Media law and regulation in the European Union : national, transnational, and U.S. perspectives 44956360 19297
Media regulation, public interest, and the law 42856152 9201
Medicaid and devolution : a view from the states 42330183 4916
Medical art therapy with adults 44964440 13208
Medical art therapy with children 44964342 13205
Medicalized motherhood : perspectives from the lives of African-American and Jewish women 45728376 39972
Medicare made easy 44954404 23285
Medicinal plants of the world : chemical constituents, traditional, and modern medicinal uses 44956750 28046
Medieval Scotland : crown, lordship and community 44960948 9185
Medieval Yorkshire towns : people, buildings and spaces 43476395 9677
Medievalism and the academy. I 44959412 16646
Melancholies of knowledge : literature in the age of science 42922323 8381
Melodic similarity : concepts, procedures, and applications 44961250 9239
Melting pot soldiers : the Union's ethnic regiments 44962435 16257
Melville's anatomies 44958962 21310
Memoirs of Emma Courtney 44964733 34085
Memoirs of modern philosophers 44964700 34081
Mencken revisited : author, editor & newspaperman 44963113 18529
Menopause : endocrinology and management 44956544 28015
Menopause : questions you have-- answers you need 44954475 23287
Mentoring dilemmas : developmental relationships within multicultural organizations 44958375 19388
Messianic Judaism : a rabbi's journey through religious change in America 45729039 43530
Metadata management for information control and business success 45843170 40412
Metaphysics 42856415 5548
Metaphysics and its task : the search for the categorial foundation of knowledge 45729359 44207
Metaphysics to metafictions : Hegel, Nietzsche, and the end of philosophy 42855867 5539
Methamphetamine : speed kills 44956997 20212
Method and Catholic moral theology : the ongoing reconstruction 44955059 16472
Methodism and the southern mind, 1770-1810 44961306 23651
Methodology and tacit knowledge 45733648 17826
Methods for studying language production 44958163 19382
Methods of macroeconomic dynamics 45728953 11452
Mexican workers and the state : from the Porfiriato to NAFTA 44959294 5096
Mexico : from Montezuma to NAFTA, and beyond 45730875 50385
Mexico in the 1940s : modernity, politics, and corruption 45733119 28232
Mexico's cinema : a century of film and filmmakers 44956869 32629
Michel Foucault : an introduction  43477257 9747
Michelangelo's Last Judgment : the Renaissance response 42855078 9392
Microbial foodborne diseases : mechanisms of pathogenesis and toxin synthesis 45731242 23918
Microbiology for water/wastewater operators 45731287 23919
Microsoft Access 2000 MOUS cheat sheet 45734090 38449
Microsoft Excel 2000 : MOUS cheat sheet 45728263 38546
Microsoft exchange server in a nutshell : a desktop quick reference 44957597 24618
Microsoft PowerPoint 2000 MOUS cheat sheet 45728114 38531
Microsoft Windows DNA exposed 47010580 8148
Microsoft Windows NT Workstation 4.0 user manual 43802766 8237
Microstructural characterization of materials 45728707 17926
Microworld simulations for command and control training of theater logistics and support staffs : a curriculum strategy 44964813 20520
Midcentury quartet : Bishop, Lowell, Jarrell, Berryman, and the making of a postmodern aesthetic 44965387 21136
Mike and Phani's essential C++ techniques 45842541 23434
Military use of drugs not yet approved by the FDA for CW/BW defense : lessons from the Gulf War 44963321 20478
Mind games : American culture and the birth of psychotherapy 42855808 8678
Mind in a physical world : an essay on the mind-body problem and mental causation 42856108 9388
Minding minds : evolving a reflexive mind by interpreting others 45729508 49146
Mine work : a novel 42922473 10153
Mirror : the fiction and essays of Kåoda Aya 45727883 39121
Mirror of modernity : invented traditions of modern Japan 43476117 10120
Misreading the public : the myth of a new isolationism 42330252 4918
Missing persons : a critique of the social sciences 42854999 6820
Mission critical : realizing the promise of enterprise systems 44958746 35057
Mission San Carlos Borromeo del Râio Carmelo 44954188 20081
Mission San Diego de Alcalâa 44954223 20082
Mission San Fernando, Rey de Espäana 44954260 20083
Mission San Josâe 44955809 20088
Mission San Juan Bautista 44961494 20097
Mission San Juan Capistrano 44955772 20087
Mission San Luis Rey de Francia 44955845 20090
Mission San Rafael Arcâangel 44956653 20092
Mission Santa Inâes 44960501 20096
Mixedblood messages : literature, film, family, place 44961205 15591
Mobilizing resentment : conservative resurgence from the John Birch Society to the Promise Keepers 45730080 44243
Model building in mathematical programming 45733914 17844
Model, myth, or miracle : reassessing the role of governments in the East Asian experience 47010529 4919
Modeling bounded rationality 42855025 1442
Modeling rationality, morality, and evolution 44958607 23522
Modelling and hedging equity derivatives 45733609 16870
Models for the millennium : Great Basin anthropology today 44958720 18342
Modern derivatization methods for separation sciences 45729628 17968
Modern English structures : form, function, and position 45729389 34217
Modern politics and government 45731559 35229
Modernism : an anthology of sources and documents 44964346 9623
Modernismo, modernity, and the development of Spanish American literature 45728003 44688
Modernity's pretenses : making reality fit reason from Candide to the gulag 42856497 5577
Molecular and cellular basis of inflammation 45729807 28037
Molecular biotechnology for plant food production 45731318 23920
Momaday, Vizenor, Armstrong : conversations on American Indian writing 44964096 15700
Monetary theory and policy 44962387 9327
Money matters : a teen guide to the economics of divorce 45730319 20232
Monsters & madonnas : the roots of Christian anti-semitism 44962375 33883
Montessori for the new millennium : practical guidance on the teaching and education of children of all ages, based on a rediscovery of the true principles and vision of Maria Montessori 44960152 19452
Moral appraisability : puzzles, proposals, and perplexities 44958884 23538
Moral imagination and management decision-making 44960942 23625
Moral matters 44964792 34100
Moral responsibility in the Holocaust : a study in the ethics of character 44955691 18713
Morality : its nature and justification 44960414 23604
Morality and cultural differences 44959794 23582
Morality without foundations : a defense of ethical contextualism 44959416 23560
More : in-depth discussion of the reasoning activities in "Teaching fractions and ratios for understanding" 45731943 21051
More Chinese brain twisters : 57 fast, fun puzzles that help children develop quick minds 45727251 26288
More novels and plays : thirty creative teaching guides for grades six through twelve 45733758 40940
More reading connection : bringing parents, teachers, and librarians together 43803046 13141
More than class : studying power in U.S. workplaces 42855177 5494
Moscow madness : crime, corruption, and one man's pursuit of profit in the new Russia 42922434 6949
Mothers & Others for a Livable Planet guide to natural baby care : non-toxic and environmentally-friendly ways to take care of your new child 45727283 26289
Mother's taxi : sport and women's labor 44960213 5609
Motivating language learners 44963637 16793
Motivation and learning strategies for college success : a self-management approach 45734100 24272
Mountain scouting : a hand-book for officers and soldiers on the frontiers : profusely illustrated and containing numerous notes on the art of travel 45727881 26000
MP3 : the definitive guide 45730682 28870
MP3 power! with Winamp 45728038 33703
MPI -- the complete reference. Vol. 2, The MPI-2 extensions  45728151 24388
Mr. Dunn Browne's experiences in the Army : the Civil War letters of Samuel W. Fiske 44955214 16479
MRI : basic principles and applications 45727336 26290
Multiagent systems : a modern approach to distributed artificial intelligence 44962742 9368
Multi-criteria decision analysis via ratio and difference judgement 45733348 39678
Multicultural folktales : readers theatre for elementary students 45732272 33514
Multimedia database management systems 45732038 40411
Multiple and generalized nonparametric regression 44963332 24805
Multiple perspectives on play in early childhood education 42628642 5463
Multivariate applications in substance use research : new methods for new questions 44959067 19414
Museum memories : history, technology, art 42854998 6664
Music and musicians in the Escorial liturgy under the Habsburgs, 1563-1700 45731784 34351
Music in the old bones : Jezebel through the ages 45733800 46050
Music therapy in palliative care : new voices 44965044 13235
Music, cognition, and computerized sound : an introduction to psychoacoustics 42922503 9247
Musical networks : parallel distributed perception and performance 44965713 3174
Musicals : Hollywood and beyond 44957091 41340
Muskoxen and their hunters : a history 44958552 20336
Muslim rulers and rebels : everyday politics and armed separatism in the southern Philippines 42855076 9391
Muted voices : the recovery of democracy in the shaping of technology 44965301 23895
Mutual fund rules : 50 essential axioms to explain and examine mutual fund investing 44955900 24030
My double life : the memoirs of Sarah Bernhardt 44960164 5607
My father's son 45729217 33749
My friend, my friend : the story of Thoreau's relationship with Emerson 45730039 44971
My life in the old Army : the reminiscences of Abner Doubleday : from the collections of the New-York Historical Society 42330347 5097
My very last possession and other stories 44954471 24512
MySQL and mSQL 44958733 24665
Mystery fiction and modern life 42854460 4687
Mysticism and religion 45730997 35205
Myths and legends of the British Isles 44956659 16547
Namedropping : mostly literary memoirs 42855019 5520
Namibia's post-apartheid regional institutions : the founding year 44954136 24931
Napoleon comes to power : democracy and dictatorship in revolutionary France, 1795-1804 44958272 27074
Narrative as counter-memory : a half-century of postwar writing in Germany and Japan 42855343 5537
Narrative comprehension, causality, and coherence : essays in honor of Tom Trabasso 44962334 24296
Nat Turner before the bar of judgment : fictional treatments of the Southampton slave insurrection 45732995 42601
Nathaniel Hawthorne 44963558 38590
Nation, empire, colony : historicizing gender and race 42329684 1164
Nation, identity and social theory : perspectives from Wales 44961132 27322
National pool and waterpark lifeguard training 45729757 26409
National Socialism and Gypsies in Austria 44955944 23335
National variations in Jewish identity : implications for Jewish education 45731247 43877
Native American higher education in the United States 45730457 49962
Native American identities : from stereotype to archetype in art and literature 44960887 22896
Native Americans today : resources and activities for educators, grades 4-8 45732165 33510
NATO and Caspian security : a mission too far? 44963062 20467
Natural eye care : an encyclopedia : complementary treatments for improving and saving your eyes 43802943 13472
Natural gas : private sector participation and market development. 44955428 26772
Natural gas hedging : benchmarking price protection strategies 45733687 16873
Natural particulars : nature and the disciplines in Renaissance Europe 45733507 35334
Natural remedies for dogs and cats 44954076 23965
Natural resource and environmental economics 44955818 19281
Natural wonders of Kentucky : exploring wild and scenic places 44958947 18369
Natural wonders of Michigan : exploring wild and scenic places 44962271 18495
Natural wonders of New Hampshire : exploring wild and scenic places 44958989 18370
Natural wonders of New Jersey : exploring wild and scenic places  44958627 18810
Natural wonders of New York : exploring wild and scenic places 43802936 18355
Natural wonders of Ohio : exploring wild and scenic places 44962122 18483
Natural wonders of Tennessee : exploring wild and scenic places 43803005 18354
Natural wonders of the Florida Keys : exploring wild and scenic places 44958050 18792
Natural wonders of Wisconsin : exploring wild and scenic places 44962190 18487
NBER macroeconomics annual 1998 47011712 9363
Ndebele beadwork : African artistry 44963250 19951
Necessary light : poems 42855281 8793
Need and greed : the story of the largest Ponzi scheme in American history 45729465 33757
Negotiating Arab-Israeli peace : patterns, problems, possibilities 44964179 23176
Negotiating identity : Catholic higher education since 1960 45729779 47430
Negotiating responsibility in the criminal justice system 42854399 2306
Neptune's militia : the frigate South Carolina during the American Revolution 45730276 27571
Net profit : how to invest and compete in the real world of Internet business 44961086 26074
Net ready : strategies for success in the E-conomy 44955935 24031
Net worth : shaping markets when customers make the rules 43802719 17084
Network protocols 42854636 1866
Network science, a decade later : the Internet and classroom learning 44962289 24295
Network troubleshooting handbook 44961693 12981
Network+ certification success guide 44961724 12988
Neural codes and distributed representations : foundations of neural computation 44958568 10157
Neural networks 44961877 24760
Neural smithing : supervised learning in feedforward artificial neural networks 42856076 9366
Neural transplantation : an introduction 44954822 21782
Neurodevelopmental disorders 42856091 9378
Neuropeptides : regulators of physiological processes 43475389 9381
Neutral ground : new traditionalism and the American romance controversy 45733337 42612
New directions in old age policies 42636724 5568
New England's moral legislator : Timothy Dwight, 1752-1817 43476126 11019
New hope 44953868 22160
New masters : northern planters during the Civil War and Reconstruction 44954656 16454
New media and multimedia producer 44957259 20226
New wine and old bottles : international politics and ethical discourse 45731381 47588
New world, new rules : the changing role of the American corporation 44958383 17101
New York Jews and the Great Depression : uncertain promise 45730663 33853
Newberry Crater : a ten-thousand-year record of human occupation and environmental change in the basin-plateau borderlands 44963646 10418
Nicolai Gedda : my life & art 44961885 28559
Nietzsche : naturalism and interpretation 45731734 41598
Nietzsche and depth psychology 42856434 5636
No aging in India : Alzheimer's, the bad family, and other modern things 44957506 8689
No easy answers : a teen guide to why divorce happens 44957368 20230
No gods and precious few heroes : twentieth-century Scotland 42922618 9666
No religion is an island : the Nostra Aetate dialogues 44962268 16246
No turning back : a true account of a Hopi Indian girl's struggle to bridge the gap between the world of her people and the world of the White man 44954063 22648
Nongovernmental organizations in World Bank-supported projects : a review 44964988 26630
Non-Hodgkin's lymphomas : making sense of diagnosis, treatment, and options 45733375 24195
Non-linear finite element analysis of solids and structures. Vol. 1, Essentials 45728068 17900
Non-linear finite element analysis of solids and structures. Vol. 2, Advanced topics 45727752 41771
Nonlinear instabilities in plasmas and hydrodynamics 45727250 27418
Nonparametric simple regression : smoothing scatterplots 44961947 24762
Non-payment in the electricity sector in eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. 44965653 26664
North American windmill manufacturers' trade literature : a descriptive guide 44964886 15727
North to Montana : jehus, bullwackers, and mule skinners on the Montana Trail 44962794 2144
Northern Arcadia : foreign travelers in Scandinavia, 1765-1815 44959056 18855
Not all Okies are white : the lives of Black cotton pickers in Arizona 45730069 49553
Not just trees : the legacy of a Douglas-fir forest 44954067 21757
Nothing about us without us : disability oppression and empowerment 42417786 6891
Novel aspects of pain management : opioids and beyond 45733002 35309
Novel cosmetic delivery systems 47009013 11538
Now we read, we see, we speak : portrait of literacy development in an adult Freirean-based class 45730321 45023
NT & virtual private networks seminar : participant's guide 45733953 19029
Numbers from nowhere : the American Indian contact population debate 44953909 15781
Numerical methods in economics 44962251 9322
O. Henry 44963718 38596
Obedience to authority : current perspectives on the Milgram paradigm 45733560 24224
Object lessons : how to do things with fetishism 43475298 5576
Object oriented technologies : opportunities and challenges 45731217 42448
Object recognition in man, monkey, and machine 42922521 9244
Object to be destroyed : the work of Gordon Matta-Clark 45728257 24397
October cities : the redevelopment of urban literature 42855207 6902
October revolution : a novel 42330767 5148
Of Lodz and love 45731070 33869
Of one blood : abolitionism and the origins of racial equality 44954972 21195
Of orphans and warriors : inventing Chinese American culture and identity 45728446 39976
Off the record : the technology and culture of sound recording in America 45732010 44408
Office finances made easy : a get-started guide to budgets, purchasing, and financial statements 44963631 19118
Office ladies and salaried men : power, gender, and work in Japanese companies 42855028 6848
Oil, wheat & wobblies : the Industrial Workers of the World in Oklahoma, 1905-1930 44956610 15898
Oligopoly pricing : old ideas and new tools 44965362 28975
On being poor in Utah 44965663 12473
On God and dogs : a Christian theology of compassion for animals 44960107 23594
On holiday : a history of vacationing 45728961 42311
On human memory : evolution, progress, and reflections on the 30th anniversary of the Atkinson-Shiffrin model 45727779 24363
On liberty 45728127 34092
On line and on paper : visual representations, visual culture, and computer graphics in design engineering 42856204 9241
On the contrary : critical essays, 1987-1997 42328879 1734
On the pragmatics of communication 44958223 449
Once I gazed at you in wonder : poems 45729648 44220
Online business planning : how to create a better business plan using the Internet, including a complete, up-to-date resource guide 44959092 25133
Online investing the smart way 45729625 23756
Onna rashiku (Like a woman) : the diary of a language learner in Japan 42855544 5543
Open boundaries : Jain communities and culture in Indian history 44959977 5517
Open moral communities 45844139 48774
Open sources : voices from the open source revolution 44960358 24215
Opportunities in acting careers 43803283 8840
Opportunities in arts and crafts careers 42855483 8844
Opportunities in broadcasting careers 43802905 8849
Opportunities in carpentry careers 44954846 23991
Opportunities in electronics careers 43802954 8862
Opportunities in entertainment careers 42855508 8864
Opportunities in holistic health care careers 42855517 8874
Opportunities in landscape architecture, botanical gardens, and arboreta 43475763 8881
Opportunities in military careers 42856117 8886
Opportunities in nursing assistant careers 44954809 23990
Opportunities in paramedical careers 44954888 23992
Opportunities in petroleum careers 43802917 8895
Opportunities in photography careers 42856128 8897
Opportunities in physical therapy careers 44954930 23993
Opportunities in physician careers 44954968 23994
Optimal design : theory and applications to materials and structures 45731350 23922
Optimizing Windows for games, graphics and multimedia 44958268 24647
Oracle database administration : the essential reference 44958098 24639
Oracle SAP administration 44958620 24660
Oracle SQL*Plus : the definitive guide 45729808 24635
Order without rules : critical theory and the logic of conversation 45733460 44053
Organic coatings : science and technology 45727539 26298
Organizational achievement and failure in information technology management 45731320 42451
Organizational literacy for educators 44964054 24371
Organize your stuff the lazy way 44959765 9139
Organized labor and American politics, 1894-1994 : the labor-liberal alliance 42855380 5588
Organizing silence : a world of possibilities 42856229 7475
Original signs : gesture, sign, and the sources of language 43476418 12059
Origins of architectural pleasure 45733644 42142
Origins of mass communications research during the American Cold War : educational effects and contemporary implications 44961589 24268
Oscillations in neural systems 44961988 24283
Other modernities : gendered yearnings in China after socialism 45727331 38453
Other sexes : rewriting difference from Woolf to Winterson 45728784 44164
Other words : essays on poetry and translation 44959602 27153
Other worlds : society seen through soap opera 45728166 34096
Our money, ourselves : redesigning your relationship with money : a self-help guide 44961412 16206
Our postal system 44964002 28795
Our space program 44964068 28830
Our team! : insights from the publicly owned Scranton/Wilkes-Barre Red Barons 44963515 18541
Out of the frying pan : reflections of a Japanese American 42330770 5149
Over the edge : remapping the American West 45731923 6827
Over the green hill : a German Jewish memoir, 1913-1943 44955626 16494
Overcoming anxiety, panic, and depression : new ways to regain your confidence 44959129 25134
Overcoming obstacles to liberalization of the telecom sector in Estonia, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovenia, and Hungary : an overwiew of key policy concerns and potential initiatives to facilitate the transition process 44965532 26657
Overturned chariot : the autobiography of Phan-Bãoi-Chãau 45733042 38989
Owls and their homes 44961811 19899
Paediatric oncology : acute nursing care 44963965 13192
Palestinian women of Gaza and the West Bank 44955374 1057
Palm programming 44953978 8159
Palm programming : the developer's guide 44964987 24425
Palma Cathedral : poems 42854550 5150
PalmPilot : the ultimate guide 44965015 24426
Pancho Villa's revolution by headlines 44961344 22921
Paradise and paradigm : key symbols in Persian Christianity and the Baháí Faith 42628620 5610
Paradise Farm 42855550 5622
Paradise for sale : a parable of nature 45731043 41964
Parenting a child with a behavior problem : a practical and empathetic guide 44954357 23978
Parenting a child with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder 44954389 23979
Parenting and child development in "nontraditional" families 44957718 19360
Parliament and locality, 1660-1939 43476371 9660
Partnerships for global ecosystem management : 44955151 26749
Parts and places : the structures of spatial representation 44961629 2854
Party organization and activism in the American South 44957128 13571
Passages to modernity : motherhood, childhood, and social reform in early twentieth century Japan 45843008 39099
Passages to the presidency : from campaigning to governing 42330202 4964
Passions, pedagogies, and 21st century technologies 42330336 2138
Passport to Hollywood : Hollywood films, European directors 42856476 5557
Past revolutions, future transformations : what can the history of revolutions in military affairs tell us about transforming the U.S. military? 44963991 20495
Pathways of memory and power : ethnography and history among an Andean people 44960874 18947
Pathways to success in school : culturally responsive teaching 44960712 24228
Patient-based approaches to cognitive neuroscience 44957527 32664
Patriotism, politics, and popular liberalism in nineteenth-century Mexico : Juan Francisco Lucas and the Puebla Sierra 45733151 28234
Paul Bunyan, last of the frontier demigods 44958250 22804
Paul Powell of Illinois : a lifelong Democrat 45733696 46037
Paying with plastic : the digital revolution in buying and borrowing 44957626 17058
Peanut butter and jelly management : tales from parenthood lessons for managers 44958490 17106
Peasant dreams & market politics : labor migration and the Russian village, 1861-1905 42854816 5868
Peasants and communists : politics and ideology in the Yugoslav countryside, 1941-1953 42854817 5869
Peer power : preadolescent culture and identity 44961622 17723
Penguins and their homes 44965842 20036
Pension fund management within the European Union 44965769 16872
Penstemons 44962199 28575
People of the West Desert : finding common ground 42329193 2119
Percutaneous absorption : drugs--cosmetics--mechanisms--methodology 44958498 12784
Percyscapes : the fugue state in twentieth-century southern fiction 45733469 42674
Perennial weeds : characteristics and identification of selected herbaceous species 44955307 19266
Perfectionist politics : abolitionism and the religious tensions of American democracy 44962337 33864
Performing pedagogy : toward an art of politics 45727278 44082
Peril and promise : higher education in developing countries 44955947 33450
Perl in a nutshell : a desktop quick reference 44959922 24197
Persian cats 44956064 20178
Personality disorders in older adults : emerging issues in diagnosis and treatment 44959100 19415
Person-environment psychology and mental health : assessment and intervention 45729614 44894
Perspectives on behavioral self-regulation 45733715 24241
Perspectives on Cormac McCarthy 42854497 4691
Perspectives on plagiarism and intellectual property in a postmodern world 42855869 5615
Pervasive developmental disorders : finding a diagnosis and getting help 44959951 24198
Perverse spectators : the practices of film reception 45728211 48646
Peter Drucker : shaping the managerial mind 44961129 26076
Peter Drucker on the profession of management 44955635 26839
Phantom risk : scientific inference and the law 42856058 9349
Phil Sheridan and his army 44955079 15347
Philanthropic foundations : new scholarship, new possibilities 44964391 23184
Philanthropy in communities of color 45729832 23185
Philanthropy in the world's traditions 45729868 23186
Philosophers of process 44962330 16248
Philosophical and theoretical perspectives for advanced nursing practice 44956273 25683
Philosophical texts 43476778 12415
Philosophy of nursing : a new vision for health care 45727315 44090
Photoshop for the Web 44958402 24651
PHP pocket reference 45729972 24671
Physical mesomechanics of heterogeneous media and computer-aided design of materials 44963548 18065
Pictures of people : Alice Neel's American portrait gallery 44954784 34474
Pigeonholed in the land of penguins : a tale of seeing beyond stereotypes 44958629 17110
Pigs, profits, and rural communities 42856505 5535
Pilgrim stories : on and off the road to Santiago 45733585 9420
Pilgrimage explored 44959101 16637
Pilgrims on the ice : Robert Falcon Scott's first Antarctic expedition 45731557 44381
Plan smart, retire rich : the book designed to help you reach your retirement dreams 43802755 7002
Planning America's security : lessons from the National Defense Panel 44964603 20514
Planning successful meetings and events : a take-charge assistant book 42330630 2771
Planning, shortage, and transformation : essays in honor of Jâanos Kornai 45733423 35331
Plant engineers and managers guide to energy conservation 44960437 14572
Plant fossils : the history of land vegetation 44957258 16569
Plato on rhetoric and language : four key dialogues 44958417 19390
Plato. 1, Metaphysics and epistemology 44964651 12423
Plato's Charmides and the Socratic ideal of rationality 42636883 8019
Plato's dialogues one by one : a dialogical interpretation 44963251 18533
Play and exploration in children and animals 45727704 24361
Play and literacy in early childhood : research from multiple perspectives 44963923 24365
Players all : performances in contemporary sport 42854227 1046
Playing from memory : a novel 42330995 5151
Plots and characters : a screenwriter on screenwriting 43803036 13523
Pluto and Charon : ice worlds on the ragged edge of the solar system 44961501 26304
Pocket guide to breast cancer 44955977 25658
Poem of the Cid : a modern translation with notes 44956043 14900
Poetic garlands : Hellenistic epigrams in context 43477497 13084
Poetic knowledge : the recovery of education 42855142 5443
Poetics of imagining : modern to post-modern 43475887 9577
Poets of modern Ireland : text, context, intertext 44957858 27028
Poland : complying with EU environmental legislation 44965796 26675
Polemicization : the contingency of the commonplace 44963966 9596
Police dogs : helping to fight crime 44961149 19875
Police under fire 44954024 32373
Policing in Europe : uniform in diversity 45731720 20905
Political parties and the collapse of the old orders 42628669 5611
Political power and democratic control in Britain : the democratic audit of the United Kingdom 45843174 40547
Political scandals in the USA 43476351 9572
Political violence and stability in the states of the Northern Persian Gulf 44963552 20484
Politics. Books V and VI 44964052 12367
Polymer surfaces and interfaces III 45728990 17938
Polymorphism in pharmaceutical solids 44958463 12783
Popular culture : an introduction 45733835 48240
Popular stories and promised lands : fan cultures and symbolic pilgrimages 44958312 20262
Portraits of Basques in the New World 44958165 28152
Postcolonial theory : a critical introduction 43477398 9549
Postcolonial theory and criticism 45732343 16514
Post-colonial theory and English literature : a reader 44964762 9701
Postconventional moral thinking : a Neo-Kohlbergian approach 45728734 19408
Post-Marxism : a reader 42922624 9774
Postmodern ecology : communication, evolution, and play 42856401 7826
Post-theory : new directions in criticism 43477417 9734
Pottery and people : a dynamic interaction 44953875 10470
Pottery ethnoarchaeology in the Central Maya Highlands 43476480 12529
Poverty reduction and the World Bank : progress in fiscal 1998. 44964618 26608
Power & purity : Cathar heresy in Medieval Italy 44959204 23551
Power and ideas : North-South politics of intellectual property and antitrust 44959790 5388
Power direct marketing : how to make it work for you 44953896 23955
Power etiquette : what you don't know can kill your career 44961448 16207
Power in the blood : a handbook on AIDS, politics, and communication 43803167 19335
Power quality solutions : case studies for troubleshooters 44960148 14562
Power transitions : strategies for the 21st century 45731997 35252
Powerful conversations: how high impact leaders communicate 44956508 24048
Powerful planning skills : envisioning the future and making it happen 44959304 25140
Practical ethics : a collection of addresses and essays 44960596 23614
Practical guide for implementing secure intranets and extranets 45843163 40400
Practical HTML 4 44958727 10160
Practical Internet 45728082 38530
Practical Microsoft Windows 2000 professional 45727585 38497
Practical Microsoft windows 2000 server 45727553 38494
Practical Microsoft Windows 98 45727714 38507
Practical Visual InterDev 6 45727745 38508
Practical wireless data modem design 45732072 40414
Pragmatic theology : negotiating the intersections of an American philosophy of religion and public theology 42855855 5466
Pragmatism 44958289 17517
Pragmatism, reason & norms : a realistic assessment 44955964 16504
Pragmatism, rights, and democracy 44955482 16488
Prehistoric warfare in the American Southwest 44964141 10445
Preparing for FDA pre-approval inspections 44958845 12796
Preparing for Korean unification : scenarios and implications 44964359 20505
Preparing teachers for inclusive education : case pedagogies and curricula for teacher educators 45731498 45167
Prescription alternatives : hundreds of safe, natural, prescription-free remedies to restore and maintain your health 44964944 20524
Prescription drug abuse 44957793 27009
Preserving the glory days : ghost towns and mining camps of Nye County, Nevada 44955585 27904
Presidential elections : strategies and structures of American politics 44960876 35255
Presidential policymaking : an end-of-century assessment 44955396 24543
Pressing problems in modern organizations (that keep us up at night) : transforming agendas for research and practice 44963500 19114
Presumptive meanings : the theory of generalized conversational implicature 45733473 35332
Pretty in punk : girls' gender resistance in a boys' subculture 45732083 44410
Prevention and societal impact of drug and alcohol abuse 44956467 19302
Pricing life  : why it's time for health care rationing 44964160 18117
Primary securities markets : cross country findings 44965590 26660
Princeton in the nation's service : religious ideals and educational practice, 1868-1928 44959630 23568
Principle B, VP ellipsis, and interpretation in child grammar 42922691 10719
Principles for determining the Air Force active/reserve mix 44963228 20472
Principles of power : women superintendents and the riddle of the heart 45734036 44080
Prison of women : testimonies of war and resistance in Spain, 1939-1975 42855402 7393
Prisoner 88 : the man in stripes 44960480 17618
Privacy on the line : the politics of wiretapping and encryption 42328563 642
Private authority and international affairs 42855923 7301
Privatization and public-private partnerships 44960845 35251
Privatization of the power and natural gas industries in Hungary and Kazakhstan. 44965152 26641
Privatization, restructuring, and regulation of network utilities 45729744 40200
Problem solving and comprehension 45733632 24236
Problems and parables of law : Maimonides and Nahmanides on reasons for the commandments (taàmei ha-mitzvot) 43475338 7898
Problems on statistical mechanics 45728882 27509
Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Textures, August 9-13, 1999, McGill University, Montreal, Canada. Vol. 1 44962069 9288
Proceedings of the twenty first annual conference of the Cognitive Science Society, August 19-21, 1999, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, British Columbia 45727893 24369
Process chemistry in the pharmaceutical industry 44954205 12605
Process improvement and organizational learning : the role of collaboration technologies 45843380 42444
Process, praxis, and transcendence 42856141 5613
Processing of medical information in aging patients : cognitive and human factors perspectives 45731901 21050
Procurement of goods. 44965187 34192
Procurement of works. 44965123 34189
Product design methods and practices 44960099 12841
Product safety evaluation handbook 44958127 12770
Professional development for cooperative learning : issues and approaches 42855327 5516
Programming embedded systems in C and C++. 44957766 24623
Programming Internet email 44958298 24648
Programming the Perl DBI 45728636 24427
Progressive politics and the training of America's persuaders 44956432 19300
Project finance in developing countries 44964855 26623
Project financing and the international financial markets 45731966 39526
Proletarians of the North : a history of Mexican industrial workers in Detroit and the Midwest, 1917-1933 44961475 21392
Promised land : base Christian communities and the struggle for the Amazon 42854470 6328
Propagation of Pacific Northwest native plants 44960436 26023
Prophecy and diplomacy : the moral doctrine of John Paul II : a Jesuit symposium 44963027 16277
Prophets of doom 44963803 28776
Prophets of recognition : ideology and the individual in novels by Ralph Ellison, Toni Morrison, Saul Bellow, and Eudora Welty 45733664 42680
Protection and politics : conservative economic discourse, 1815-1852 44956254 16522
Protein lipidation protocols 45729384 28018
Providence and the problem of evil 43476501 12373
Psyching out diabetes : a positive approach to your negative emotions 44954248 23973
Psychology and social care 44963994 13193
Psychology of the future : lessons from modern consciousness research 45731946 43933
Psychophysiology : human behavior and physiological response 45728026 19301
Psychotherapy with deaf clients from diverse groups 44958242 12061
Public finance and public choice : two contrasting visions of the state 45728420 48752
Public management reform and innovation : research, theory, and application 45730226 35161
Public relations as relationship management : a relational approach to the study and practice of public relations 44957821 19365
Public relations on the Net : winning strategies to inform and influence the media, the investment community, the government, the public, and more! 42329434 2113
Publicity 43477270 13330
Public-private collaboration in agricultural research : new institutional arrangements and economic implications 45727955 19265
Pulsed neural networks 42856203 9240
Pumas 44962011 19906
Purifying the earthly body of God : religion and ecology in Hindu India 42855353 5558
Pursuing justice : Lee Pressman, the New Deal, and the CIO 43476605 5624
Putting Islam to work : education, politics, and religious transformation in Egypt 43476641 9451
Putting risk in perspective : Black teenage lives in the era of AIDS  44965399 18617
Pyridostigmine bromide : executive summary 45730880 20474
Python programming on Win32 44958765 24666
QoS & traffic management in IP & ATM networks 44962696 23080
Qualitative-quantitative research methodology : exploring the interactive continuum 44962443 22497
Quality assurance in dialysis 45731539 39463
Quantitative PCR protocols 45729422 28021
Quantum leaps : 7 skills for workplace re-creation 44964281 34029
Queen Bess : daredevil aviator 45732448 44497
Queen Hynde 43476129 9714
Queen of the mist 45728212 46771
Que's official Internet yellow pages 44966042 8142
Quick response : managing the supply chain to meet consumer demand 44962828 17825
Quiet as it's kept : shame, trauma, and race in the novels of Toni Morrison 45728893 44170
R.L. Stevenson on fiction : an anthology of literary and critical essays 44964953 9735
Race & excellence : my dialogue with Chester Pierce 44962351 22024
Race and ethnicity in multi-ethnic schools : a critical case study 44964471 16818
Race for the world : strategies to build a great global firm 44959165 35085
Race, police, and the making of a political identity : Mexican Americans and the Los Angeles Police Department, 1900-1945 44965755 19199
Race, rhetoric, and the postcolonial 42855665 8091
Race, rights, and the Asian American experience 42329177 1828
Racial and ethnic identity in school practices : aspects of human development 44953880 20672
Racism in a racial democracy : the maintenance of white supremacy in Brazil 44961462 17719
Radar imaging of airborne targets : a primer for applied mathematicians and physicists 45728790 27503
Radical passivity : Lâevinas, Blanchot, and Agamben 42628684 5604
Radical pragmatism : an alternative 44954914 16464
Radio propagation in cellular networks 45843152 40322
Rags to riches : motivating stories of how ordinary people achieved extraordinary wealth 45729683 23761
Râio Azul : an ancient Maya city 44964165 15702
Raise the bar : creative strategies to take your business & personal life to the next level 44959462 25147
Rambo and the Dalai Lama : the compulsion to win and its threat to human survival 42855335 5527
Random harvest 44963831 16302
Random violence : how we talk about new crimes and new victims  45731467 41586
Ratings analysis : the theory and practice of audience research 45727356 44647
Reactive oxygen species in biological systems : an interdisciplinary approach 45731149 39427
Reading Chinese Script : a cognitive analysis 45733670 24239
Reading narrative 43477036 15043
Reading the entrails : an Alberta ecohistory 44953680 21153
Reading Tudor-Stuart texts through cultural historicism 45730340 40248
Reading Vergil's Aeneid : an interpretive guide 44953775 15296
Readings on religion as news