-1- |
  | 19th Century British Pamphlets |
-A- |
  | AATA Online: Abstracts of International Conservation Literature |
  | Academic Search Complete |
  | Academic Search Ultimate |
  | Academic Video Online Premium |
  | AccessNYT |
  | ACLS Humanities E-Book |
  | ACM Digital Library |
  | ACS Publications (American Chemical Society) |
  | ADAMS (Agencywide Documents Access and Management System) |
  | Admiralty and Maritime Law Guide |
  | Agricultural & Environmental Science Database |
  | Agricultural Statistics |
  | AGRIS |
  | AICPA Professional Library on Checkpoint |
  | Alt HealthWatch |
  | America's Historical Newspapers |
  | America: History and Life |
  | American Ancestors |
  | American Antiquarian Society (AAS) Historical Periodicals Collections |
  | American Civil War Research Database |
  | American Civil War: Letters and Diaries |
  | American Periodical Series Online |
  | American Presidency Project |
  | American Slavery: A Composite Autobiography |
  | American State Papers, 1789-1838 |
  | Anatomy.tv |
  | Anatomy.tv Dentistry |
  | AncestryLibrary |
  | Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service |
  | Animal Legal & Historical Center |
  | Annual Reviews Online |
  | Anthropological Index Online - Royal Anthropological Institute |
  | Anthropology Plus |
  | Applied Science & Business Periodicals Retrospective |
  | Applied Science & Technology Source |
  | Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts |
  | Archive of European Integration |
  | ArchiveGrid |
  | ArchivesSpace: Raymond H. Fogler Library Special Collections |
  | Art Full Text |
  | Art Index Retrospective |
  | Arts & Humanities Citation Index (Web of Science) |
  | ARTstor |
  | arXiv e-Print Archive |
  | ASCE Library |
  | Aspen Learning Library |
  | ASSIA: Applied Social Sciences Index and Abstracts |
  | Associates Programs Source Plus |
  | ASTM Compass |
  | AtoZdatabases |
  | Auto Repair Source |
  | Avalon Project at Yale Law School |
  | Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals |
-B- |
  | Bacteriology Abstracts (Microbiology B) |
  | Bangor Daily News Historical |
  | Biography Reference Source |
  | BioMed Central |
  | BioOne |
  | bioRxive |
  | BIOSIS Previews |
  | BIOSIS Previews (Biological Abstracts, 1926-present) |
  | Birds of the World |
  | Black Freedom Struggle in the United States |
  | Bloomberg Law |
  | Bloomberg Law Tax Research |
  | Bloomsbury Digital Resources |
  | Book Review Digest Retrospective, 1905-1982 |
  | British Library Newspapers (19th Century) |
  | British Library Online Newspaper Archive |
  | British Library: Explore the World's Knowledge |
  | British Newspapers, 1780 -1950 |
  | British Periodicals |
  | Building Materials by McGraw-Hill Sweets |
  | BuildingGreen |
  | Burney Newspapers Collection (17th-18th Century) |
  | Business Premium Collection |
  | Business Source Complete |
  | Business Source Elite |
  | Business Source Ultimate |
-C- |
  | Cabell's Directories of Publishing Opportunities |
  | CALI (The Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction) |
  | Cambridge Digital Library |
  | Cambridge Structural Database |
  | Canadian Materials |
  | Canadian Periodicals Index Quarterly |
  | Canadiana Online |
  | CanLII |
  | Carolina Academic Press |
  | Catalog of U.S. Government Publications |
  | CDC Stacks |
  | Census 2000 Gateway |
  | Century of Lawmaking for a New Nation |
  | Checkpoint Edge |
  | Checkpoint Student Registration |
  | Childcare Exchange Articles on Demand |
  | Childrens Books : Awards and Prizes |
  | Choice Reviews Online |
  | Christian Science Monitor |
  | Chronicle of Higher Education |
  | Chronicling America: historic American newspapers |
  | Cinahl Plus with Full Text |
  | CINAHL with Full Text |
  | Civil Right and Social Justice |
  | Civil Rights Digital Library |
  | Civil Rights Litigation Clearinghouse |
  | CJP: Criminal Justice Periodicals |
  | CloudLibrary |
  | Cochrane Clinical Answers |
  | Cochrane Collection Plus |
  | Cochrane Library |
  | CogPrints Electronic Archive |
  | Columbia Granger's World of Poetry |
  | ComicsPlus |
  | Communication and Mass Media Complete |
  | Communication Source |
  | Comprehensive Physiology |
  | Conference Papers Index |
  | Congress.gov |
  | Congressional Bills |
  | Congressional Research Service Reports |
  | Consumer Health Complete |
  | Coronavirus Research Database |
  | Counseling and Therapy in Video |
  | CountryWatch Country Reviews |
  | CQ Magazine |
  | CQ Press Library |
  | CQ Researcher |
  | CQ Weekly |
  | Credo Reference |
  | Criminal Justice Abstracts |
  | Current Biography Illustrated |
  | Current Index to Legal Periodicals |
  | Current Index to Statistics |
-D- |
  | Data Citation Index |
  | Dentistry and Oral Sciences Source |
  | Derwent Innovation Index |
  | Dictionary of Literary Biography Complete Online |
  | Dictionary of Newfoundland English Online |
  | Digest of Education Statistics |
  | Digital Theatre Plus |
  | DigitalCommons@UMaine |
  | Directory of Bills (Maine State Legislature) |
  | Directory of Open Access Journals |
  | Dissertations & Theses @ University of Maine |
  | Documents & reports (World Bank) |
  | Documents from the Continental Congress and the Constitutional Convention 1774-1789 |
  | DOE Data Explorer (DDE) |
  | DTIC Online |
-E- |
  | E&E News |
  | Early American Imprints, Series I and II |
  | Early English Books Online |
  | EBook Central |
  | EBSCO Ebook Collection |
  | EBSCO eBooks Cricket Media Collection |
  | EBSCOHost Database Collection |
  | ECLAS :European Commission Libraries catalogue |
  | ECOLEX : the gateway to environmental law |
  | Ecology Abstracts |
  | EconLit |
  | Education Research Complete |
  | eHRAF World Cultures |
  | Ei Compendex |
  | Eighteenth Century Collections Online |
  | EIS: Digests of Environmental Impact Statements |
  | Electronic journals: Full Text (EBSCOhost Electronic Journals Service) |
  | Electronic Research Archive for Mathematics (ERAM) |
  | Electronic Theses & Dissertations (UMaine) |
  | eLS (Encyclopedia of Life Sciences) |
  | Emerald Insight |
  | Encyclopaedia Iranica |
  | Encyclopedia of Human Rights |
  | Encyclopedia of Social Work |
  | Encyclopedia of Social Work, 20th ed |
  | Engineering Source |
  | Engineering Village - Compendex |
  | English Language Learner |
  | English-Spanish Library and Information Studies Dictionary |
  | Entrepreneurial Studies Source |
  | Environment Complete |
  | Environmental Engineering Abstracts |
  | Environmental Science Index |
  | ERIC - Education (EBSCO) |
  | ERIC - Education (open access site) |
  | ERIC - Education (ProQuest) |
  | Ethnic NewsWatch |
  | EUR-Lex: Access to European Union Law |
  | Europa: Gateway to the European Union |
  | European Patent Office |
  | European Views of the Americas |
  | Europeana |
  | Every CRS Report |
  | Explora for College Prep |
  | Exploring Race in Society |
  | Exploring Race in Society (ehost interface) |
-F- |
  | Family and Society Studies Worldwide |
  | FAO corporate document repository |
  | Fed In Print: An Index to Federal Reserve Economic Research |
  | Fiddlehead Focus Archive |
  | Films on Demand: Master Academic Collection |
  | FindLaw |
  | FirstSearch |
  | Flickr: The Commons |
  | Flipster |
  | Food Science Source |
  | Foreign & international law resources database |
  | Foreign Law Translations |
  | Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies |
  | Foundation Directory Online Professional |
  | Franco American Library |
  | FRED, federal reserve economic data |
  | Freepatentsonline |
  | Frontiers in Education Clearing House |
  | FSTA: Food Science & Technology Abstracts |
-G- |
  | Gale Ebooks |
  | Gale Literary Sources |
  | Gale Primary Sources |
  | GeoRef |
  | GeoRef Preview Database |
  | GeoScienceWorld |
  | Global Legal Monitor |
  | Global Plants |
  | Global Witness |
  | GlobaLex |
  | Google book search |
  | Google news archive |
  | Google patents |
  | Google Scholar |
  | Google Scholar (proxied) |
  | Google Scholar (UM) |
  | Government of Canada publications |
  | Governments on the WWW |
  | Govinfo.gov |
  | GreenFILE |
  | Grove Music Online |
  | Gun Regulation and Legislation in America |
-H- |
  | HathiTrust Digital Library |
  | Health and Safety Science Abstracts |
  | Health Source: Nursing-Academic Version |
  | HeinOnline |
  | HeinOnline Academic |
  | HeinOnline American Law Institute library |
  | HeinOnline Government, Politics and Law |
  | HeinOnline.U. S. congressional documents library |
  | Heins State Attorney General opinions |
  | HeritageQuest Online |
  | Historical Abstracts |
  | Historical Statistics of the United States |
  | History Reference Source |
  | Hobbies and Crafts Source |
  | Home Improvement Source |
  | Homeland Security Digital Library (HSDL) |
  | House and Senate Bills and Resolutions |
  | House of Commons Parliamentary Papers |
  | Humanities International Index |
  | Humanities Source |
-I- |
  | IBISWorld |
  | IBISWorld Industry Research Reports & Business Environment Profiles |
  | ICE Video Library |
  | IDEAS (Economics) |
  | IEEE Xplore |
  | IIE Passport |
  | Images of the American Civil War |
  | InCites Journal Citation Reports |
  | Index Scott des périodiques juridiques canadiens |
  | Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals |
  | Index to Legal Periodicals & Books Full Text |
  | Indigenous Histories and Cultures in North America |
  | IngentaConnect |
  | Interaction of Color |
  | International Bibliography of Art |
  | International Encyclopedia of Communication |
  | International Political Science Abstracts |
  | International Tables for Crystallography |
  | IPA Source |
  | Iter Bibliography |
-J- |
  | J.S. Bach: Texts of the Complete Vocal Works with English Translation and Commentary |
  | Joint Committee on Taxation |
  | Journal Citation Reports |
  | JoVE General Laboratory Techniques |
  | JSTOR |
  | JSTOR Sustainability |
  | Justia Regulation Tracker |
-K- |
  | Kanopy Video |
  | Kiplinger |
  | KnowledgeBase (Gulf of Maine Watershed Data) |
-L- |
  | Labor and Employment Law Resource Center |
  | Laws of the State of Maine |
  | LearningExpress Job & Career Accelerator Center |
  | LearningExpress Library |
  | LearningExpress PrepSTEP for Colleges & Universities |
  | Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
  | Lecture Notes in Mathematics |
  | Legal Information Source |
  | Legal tools database |
  | Legislation.gov.uk |
  | Legislative record |
  | Legislative Reports (Maine State Legislature) |
  | Legislators Biographical Database |
  | LexisNexis Law School |
  | LGBTQ Plus Source |
  | Library Literature & Information Science Full Text (H.W. Wilson) |
  | Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts (LISTA) |
  | Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts |
  | Literary Reference Plus |
  | Literature Criticism Online |
  | Literature Online |
-M- |
  | Maine Agricultural & Forest Experiment Station Electronic Publications |
  | Maine Bicentennial Collection |
  | Maine Census Data |
  | Maine Dataverse Network |
  | Maine Fisheries |
  | Maine Geological Survey Publication Search |
  | Maine Historical Society |
  | Maine Memory Network |
  | Maine Music Box |
  | Maine News Index Online |
  | Maine Revised Statutes |
  | Maine Superior Court Decisions |
  | Maine Town and City Ordinances |
  | Maine Town Reports |
  | Making of America (Cornell) |
  | Making of America (Michigan) |
  | MAS Complete |
  | MasterFILE Complete |
  | MathSciNet |
  | Medcom Nursing Assessments |
  | Media Intelligence Center |
  | MEDLINE (Ovid) |
  | MEDLINE with Full Text |
  | Mental Measurements Yearbook with Tests in Print |
  | Met Opera On Demand: Student Access |
  | MetaLib | GPO |
  | Metropolitan Museum of Art Collection |
  | Middle Search Plus |
  | Minority Rights Group International (MRG) |
  | Mintel Academic |
  | MLA Directory of Periodicals |
  | MLA International Bibliography |
  | Mometrix eLibrary |
  | Municipal Code Corporation |
  | Music Index |
  | Music Index with Full Text |
  | My Generation of Polyglots - French Library |
  | My Generation of Polyglots - Spanish Library |
-N- |
  | NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) |
  | National Agricultural Library Digital Collections |
  | National archive of criminal justice data |
  | National Bureau of Economic Research Working Papers |
  | National Council of Teachers of English |
  | National Criminal Justice Reference Service Abstracts Database |
  | National Film Board of Canada |
  | National Gallery of Art: the collection |
  | National Sea Grant Library Database |
  | National Security Archive |
  | National Technical Information Service Technical Reports |
  | National Technical Reports Library |
  | National Transportation Library |
  | Native American Rights Fund |
  | Nature |
  | Naxos Music Library |
  | New York Times |
  | New York Times Access Pass (1851 to present) |
  | New York Times Historical |
  | New York Times Online |
  | Newspaper Source Plus |
  | Newspapers.com |
  | Nexis Uni |
  | Nineteenth Century Collections Online |
  | Nineteenth Century U.S. Newspapers |
  | NISEE Database of University Research Reports Series |
  | NoveList K-8 Plus |
  | NoveList Plus |
  | Nuremberg Trials Project |
  | Nursing Reference Center Plus |
  | NY Times |
-O- |
  | OAIster |
  | Oceanic Abstracts |
  | OECD iLibrary |
  | OnePetro |
  | Open vault :WGBH media library and archives |
  | OpenDissertations |
  | Oxford Bibliographies |
  | Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages |
  | Oxford English Dictionary |
  | Oxford Handbooks Online |
  | Oxford Journals |
  | Oxford Music Online |
  | Oxford Reference Online |
  | Oxford Research Encyclopedia of American History |
  | Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education |
  | Oxford Scholarship Online |
-P- |
  | PAIS |
  | Philosopher's Index |
  | PIVOT |
  | PLI (Practising Law Institute) PLUS |
  | Poetry and Short Story Reference Center |
  | Points of View Reference Source |
  | Policy File Index |
  | PolicyMap Live |
  | Political Science Database |
  | Pollution Abstracts |
  | Primary Search |
  | Prints and Photographs Online Catalog |
  | Professional Development Collection |
  | Project MUSE |
  | Proquest Central |
  | ProQuest Congressional |
  | ProQuest Digital Dissertations & Theses A&I |
  | ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global |
  | Proquest Ebook Library |
  | Proquest Newspapers |
  | Proquest One Business |
  | Proquest Politics Collection |
  | Proquest Sociology |
  | ProQuest Statistical Abstract of the U.S. |
  | ProQuest Statistical Insight |
  | PsycARTICLES |
  | Psychiatry Online -- Includes DSM-5 |
  | PsycINFO |
  | PsycTESTS |
  | PTSDpubs |
  | Public Library of Science (PLoS) |
  | PubMed |
  | PubMed Central |
-R- |
  | R2 Library |
  | Read It! |
  | Readers Guide Retrospective, 1890-1982 |
  | ReferenceUSA (BPL) |
  | ReferenceUSA (MSL) |
  | Regional Business News |
  | Regulations.gov |
  | Réseau francophone numérique |
  | RILM Abstracts of Music Literature with Full Text |
  | Risk Abstracts |
  | Roper iPoll |
-S- |
  | SAGE Journals Online |
  | Sanborn Maps, 1867-1970. Maine |
  | SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS) |
  | Science Citation Index (Web of Science) |
  | Science Magazine |
  | Science Reference Source |
  | ScienceDirect |
  | SciFinder |
  | SciFinder-n |
  | Scitation |
  | SciTech Connect |
  | Scopus |
  | Scopus (Trial) |
  | Security Studies |
  | Serials Directory |
  | Seventeenth-Eighteenth Century Burney Collection Newspapers |
  | Shakespeares Globe on Screen |
  | Slavery & Abolition in the US: publications of the 1800s |
  | Slavery in America and the World: History, Culture & Law |
  | Small Business Source |
  | Small Engine Repair Source |
  | Social Explorer |
  | Social Science Research Network eLibrary (SSRN) |
  | Social Sciences Citation Index (Web of Science) |
  | Social Work Abstracts |
  | Sociology Collection (includes Sociological Abstracts) |
  | Something About the Author Online |
  | SPORTDiscus |
  | Sports Market Analytics |
  | Sports Medicine & Education Index |
  | Springer Nature Experiments |
  | SpringerLink |
  | Standard and Poor's NetAdvantage |
  | Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy |
  | STAT!Ref |
  | State legislative history research guides on the Web |
  | Statista |
  | Statistical Abstract of the United States |
  | Statistics Canada |
  | Struggles for Freedom: Southern Africa |
  | Summaries of judgments, advisory opinions and orders of the International Court of Justice |
  | Sustainability Science Abstracts |
  | Swank Digital Campus |
-T- |
  | TAPPI e-Library |
  | Taxation & economic reform in America, Parts I & II, 1781-2009 |
  | TaxNotes |
  | TaxNotes (Create new account) |
  | Taylor & Francis online journals |
  | Teacher Reference Center |
  | Teaching Channel |
  | TeachingBooks.net |
  | Thomas : legislative information on the internet |
  | Thomas Register |
  | TI Technical Articles |
  | Times Digital Archive |
  | Toxicology Abstracts |
  | Trial databases (available at Fogler Library) |
  | TRID: the TRIS & ITRD Database |
-U- |
  | U.S. Congressional Serial Set |
  | U.S. Congressional Serial Set Maps |
  | U.S. Newsstream |
  | UNdata |
  | UNECE statistical database |
  | UNICEF: Innocenti Report Cards |
  | United Nations Digital Library |
  | United Nations Juridical Yearbook |
  | United Nations legal publications : global search |
  | United Nations Official Documents |
  | United Nations treaty collection = Collection des traités des Nations Unies |
  | University of Maine at Fort Kent archival collections |
  | UptoDate |
  | URSUS |
  | US Census Data |
  | USA Trade Online |
  | USA.gov |
  | USPTO Web Patent Database |
  | USPTO Web Trademark Database |
-V- |
  | Videatives |
  | Vital Law |
  | Vocational & Career Collection |
  | Vogue Archive |
  | Voyages: The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database |
-W- |
  | Wall Street Journal |
  | Washington Post |
  | Water Resources Abstracts |
  | Web of Science |
  | Web of Science (trial) |
  | West Academic Study Aids |
  | Westlaw |
  | Westlaw Campus Research |
  | Wex |
  | Wiley Online Library |
  | WIPO Lex |
  | Women and Social Movements, International: 1840 to Present |
  | Women's Studies International |
  | World Bank Data Catalog |
  | World Digital Library |
  | World Heritage Sites: Africa |
  | World Legal Information Institute :WorldLII |
  | World Shakespeare Bibliography |
  | WorldCat |
  | WorldCat.org |
  | Worldwide Political Science Abstracts |
  | WorldWideScience.org |
  | Wright American Fiction |
-Z- |
  | Zoological Record |