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New York Times Access Pass (1851 to present)To create and activate your New York Times account, funded by the Fogler Library for University of Maine users: 1) While connected to the UMaine network, visit 2) Create your account, using your UMaine email address. 3) Download your free NYT mobile app. Once you have created a personal account while logged in to UMaine, you may use it to log on via browser or app from any location. Access includes news articles from 1851 to present; multimedia; podcasts and newsletters; an education site; and Spanish and Mandarin Chinese versions. Games, Cooking, and other add-ons are not included in the UMaine subscription.
Coverage: 1851 to present
Locations: UM
Remote Access: Available

New York Times HistoricalThe Historical New York Times (1851 to 4 years ago) offers searchable full text, with full page and article images (PDF). This resource includes articles, reviews, advertisements, comics, photos, maps and graphics, editorials, letters, and obituaries. For current full text of the New York Times, use one of the following links: LexisNexis Academic, ProQuest Newspapers, or the New York Times.
Coverage: 1851 to 4 years ago
Format: Internet
Remote Access: Available

New York Times Online
Alt Title: The New York Times
Locations: LAW
Remote Access: Available